Rita Barros

Rita Barros

“Portuguese Women in the United States” 
 Field: Arts

The artist Rita Barros will be part of the show “Cartografia do Feminino” opening at Rogue Space Gallery 
(508 W 26th Street), October 21-26. The show was curated by Isabel Pavão and will also inclued works by Margarida Correia; Maria Clara Pereira; Joana Ricou and Isabel Pavão.

Rita Barros 

Originally from Lisbon, Portugal, photographer Rita Barros teaches at NYU (New York University). She has a MA in Art in Media: Studio Art from New York University/ International Center of Photography and is the author of the book “Fifteen Years: Chelsea Hotel” Camara Municipal de Lisboa, 1999.
Her work has been shown in numerous group and solo exhibitions at :
PS 1 Contemporary Arts Center, Briggs & Robinson Gallery, Exit Art, (all in NYC); Center for Photography at Woodstock, (NY), Wilfredo Lam Contemporary Art Museum (Havana, Cuba);  Encontros De Coimbra, Museu da Água, Cadeia da Relação/Centro Português de Fotografia, Museu de Serralves, Bieanl de Cascais (all in Portugal), São Paulo Contemporary Art Museum (Sao Paolo, Brazil), Photo España 07 (Emerging Talents) at the Museo de Arte Contemporanea (Madrid, Spain), Biennale de Soncino, Flash Art Fair (Milan, Italy), at Paris Photo 2009 and 2010, with Galeria Pente 10, and at Fundação Gulbenkian, (Paris).
Her portraits and cityscapes have been published in many European and American magazines, including New York Times, New York Magazine, Newsweek, Nouvel Observateur, Elle, Vogue, Zoom, Expresso, GEO, El Mundo, La Vanguardia, Publico, Marie Claire, Le Monde.
She was awarded with a grant from the New York Foundation for the Arts in 2002 and is represented in various Portuguese and international art collections.