NYPSFF`20 – X Edition in Torres Vedras

NYPSFF`20 – X Edition in Torres Vedras

The Arte Institute and RHI Initiative are pleased to present the NY Portuguese Short Film Festival – X Edition in Torres Vedras, on January 9 at 3.30 PM.
Paços – Galeria Municipal de Torres Vedras (Auditório) 
January 9, 2021 – 3.30 PM
The NY Portuguese Short Film Festival (NYPSFF) was the first Portuguese Short Film Festival in the United States. It showcases the freshest short film productions from Portugal, including fiction, animation and documentary.

2020 Official Selection:
– California by Nuno Baltazar
– The Boy and the Owl by Mário Gajo de Carvalho
– Final Act by Maria Hespanhol
– Loop by Ricardo M. Leite
– Today might be the last day I see your face by Vasco Mendes
– Sofia by Filipe Ruffato e Gonçalo Viana
– Past-it by Elmano Silva
– Monday by Sebastião Salgado
– Simulacrum by Duarte Couto Maltez
– Alvorada by Carolina Neves
– Sea Shepherd by Débora Mendes

For more information about the festival, please visit arteinstitute.org/nypsff!