We have the pleasure to exhibit Heritage by Maria Clara Pereira.
The pride of showing and sharing our culture is as strong as the need to be accepted into a new one.
I’m truly fascinated with different cultures and life styles. New York is the perfect stage to observe all that diversity. It’s interesting to observe the roots’ interlacement.
Parades are a quite often event in this city, gatherings where we can witness the celebration of one particular culture.
When attending to such events, I try to capture moments, which hopefully will reveal themselves strong enough to hold a story within.
Probably because many members of my family have immigrated along the years, including myself, this is a theme that emerged from a natural curiosity.
Without any doubt, people are the most interesting subject, and for that reason, this is a project with no due date.
Maria Clara Pereira
Maria Clara Pereira is a Portuguese photographer, born in Funchal – Madeira.
At the age of 18, she moved to Oporto to study design of communication/graphic arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP), ending with a five-year degree.
After several years working as a graphic designer, she moved to New York to pursue her true passion: photography. Holder of a One-Year Certificate in General Studies from the International Center of Photography (ICP), she continued to acquire knowledge by interning with American photographer Mary Ellen Mark.
Her work has been exhibited in New York City, where she currently lives and works.
Portuguese & Brazilian Festival Group Show curated by Patricia Silva
Spectacle Slideshow Supper II Spectacle Theater - Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Book cover - "Aprendendo a Ler e a Escrever com Afecto" by Marina Graça de S. Ganança Pereira - April, Portugal
“Of Bodies and Other Things” Group Show at Rita K. Hillman Education Gallery School of the International Center of Photography
Shift Book (vol. 5) Published by International Center of Photography