Zon Multimedia Award
Applications until November 7th at www.zon.pt/premio
ZON Multimedia Award is one of the largest monetary prizes awarded in multidisciplinary national competitions, reaching a total of 200.000€, divided in three categories: Contents and Multimedia Applications, Digital Animation and Short Films. The prize also includes fellowships at UT Austin.
The ZON Award is annual and is open to individuals and/or organizations in general but is particularly geared to the university population, young graduates and small start-ups in the multimedia and audiovisual areas. The initiative is also open to multinational teams if at least one of the elements is Portuguese, and educational institutions in partnership with students.
Contents and Multimedia Applications
Contents and Multimedia Applications refer to the interface that allows user engagement within on and offline processes. These are based on either paid or unpaid business models that must be in¬tegrated with: Multimedia Middleware; Operative Systems; Distribution Networks; Security Systems; Consumer Devices (television, computer, mobile, video consoles). All of these must exist within a multimedia ecosystem, which includes the areas of: Passive or interactive entertainment (over the top videos, contents supported by digital narratives and on/offline games); Enabling Services (e-Education, e-Government and e-Health); Generic Services (security and monitoring); E-Busi¬ness in general.
Digital Animation
Digital Animation must be applied to communication and entertainment media, passive or interactive, namely cinema advertising and video games. These must encompass techniques that derive from the conversions between com¬puter technologies, graphic design and animation by means of the creation of objects exclusively based on a synthesis of images or by means of digital imagery integration that are produced in cinematic graphic environment and traditional video graphics.
Short Films
Short films fall under the fictional cinematographic cate¬gory. The film must consist of real images that expresses a concise idea within itself. The piece must not ex¬ceed 10 minutes including the final credits.
The ZON Creativity in Multimedia Award
Launched in 2008 under a partnership between ZON Multimedia, FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) and ICA (Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual) this award has proved to be a real success. In total, the three editions of this competition attracted the participation of around 500 different projects. The aim is to con¬tinue to foster innovation and reward excel¬lence, contributing to the development of multi¬media and audiovisual industries and the digital economy in general in Portugal. ZON also aims to distinguish works that reflect the values of the company, namely agility, innovation, expertise, proximity and diversity.
Previous editions of the award represented a strong stimu¬lus for the production of high quality content and made a unique contribution in the discovery and dissemination of new talent. Nuno Rocha was one of them. His short film 3X3 was awarded the Grand Prize in 2008, having won in addition to 100.000€, the opportunity to launch his career. His short film was also shown, together with the Oscar winning “Slumdog Millionaire”, in Portuguese theaters and was seen by over 150.000 spectators. In 2009, the Lusófona University was the big winner with six slots in the list of finalists and received the Grand Prize with the short film “Romeo and Juliet – The Mu¬sical”. In 2010 the Grand Prize winner was the videogame Under Siege from Seed Studios, the first national game available for Playstation and the single one worldwide for its strategy type.