Summer Nights Series – Arts
“All media are valid, provided that they are serving the achievement of an idea, which is generally embodied in the concept of interval. Whether the interaction between opposing or different views of the same object, what matters as artistic investigation is the tension between things and between themselves. The anxiety in the presence of absence. Eclecticism is revealed as an assimilation and appropriation.“
Tomaz Hipólito

Tomaz Hipolito currently in residence at Residency Unlimited, will present some videos and make a performance at Union Square Park on September 8 at 8 PM.
The performance will be followed by a discussion with guest speakers living and working in New York City.

Guest speakers Nathalie Anglés (Director/Founder Residency Unlimited); Gabriela Albergaria (Portuguese Artist living in NY); Alexandra Pinho (Curadora BESart Collection).
Free admission.