‘Step, Fall and Rise’ by Sublime Dance Company | Presentation Event
The Arte Institute has partnered with Sublime Dance Company to produce a digital platform where the audience will be able to watch the dance performance, ‘Step, Fall and Rise’, in a different and unique way. The presentation of the website link will take place at Auditório César Batalha, on February 19.
Auditório César Batalha
Av. das Descobertas 59, 2780-053 Oeiras
February 19, 2022 – 5.00 PM
Av. das Descobertas 59, 2780-053 Oeiras
February 19, 2022 – 5.00 PM
STEP, FALL and RISE intends to be a pioneer project in Portugal. In the style of the interactive films that streaming platforms have accustomed us to, this will be a creation that will be presented in an interactive digital format.
The choreography by Diana Seabra and Artistic Direction by Diana Seabra and Olsi Gjeci is performed by 6 dancers and was filmed in the first days of January 2022 at Teatro-Cine de Torres Vedras.
The online version of the play will allow the spectator an interactivity different from the one in person. The spectator will have a choice at various moments to decide, for example, which performer to follow, which camera to view, if he/she wants to see the creative process relative to a movement/section of the piece. The viewer will have the opportunity to see the play according to their personal interest and curiosity. There is the possibility of bringing the spectator closer to the action of the scene. What will it be like to see the piece from the perspective of the dancer who dances? Also included are interviews with the participants and various moments from rehearsals.
Support ||
| Oeiras Valley
| República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes
| Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras
| Teatro-Cine Torres Vedras
| Oeiras Dance Academy
| Compete 2022
| Oeiras Valley
| República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes
| Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras
| Teatro-Cine Torres Vedras
| Oeiras Dance Academy
| Compete 2022