Soma // Group Show
Arte Institute suggests “Soma“, a current portrait of urban-inspired contemporary art in Portugal.
Underdogs Gallery
28 November to 23 December 2014
±MaisMenos± / Add Fuel / AkaCorleone / Dwelle / Mar / Maria Imaginário / Mário Belém / Pantónio / Paulo Arraiano / Pedro Matos / Wasted Rita
“Soma” presents at the Underdogs Gallery a unit composed from a widely diverse universe of authorial visual languages, celebrating the vitality and wealth of this very heterogeneity; adding people and bringing different talents together, expressing their individual voices in the same space, creating a whole greater than the sum of its parts.
Friday, 28 November – from 7pm to 10pm
Free admission
Underdogs Gallery
Rua Fernando Palha, Armazém 56 – Lisbon, Portugal
Tuesday to Saturday, from 2pm to 8pm
For more information visit click here.