11 May 2020, 9:30PM
Arte Institute and RHI Initiative presents the exhibition of the play “Pour Homme” by André Murraças at RHI Stage.
Pour Homme is a journey through the representations of the male body in Art History, advertising and everyday life.
Through the recovery of mannerisms, tics, poses, masculine positions, and how much the image can be a cultural reflection of society – the show results from the search for a performativity of these images for the scene. This harvest of the body represented in the image and in society, gains a new physicality in its transposition to the stage. As well as new representations and interpretations of the concept of masculinity.
Concept, Performer, Stage and costume design | André Murraças
Production | Mafalda Santos e Joaquim René para a Metamorfose
Premier | September 18 of 2004, Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon
Find out more about the artist, André Murraças.
Watch the show here on our platform, or on Arte Institute and RHI Think facebook pages.
Download the RHI Think application, available at playstore and applestore and value the artists’ work by paying what you can as a ticket for these free shows. The shows are free but the work of the artists shouldn’t be. Value it!
Follow André Murraças on social media to get to know more about his work |
Facebook: @andre.murracas.9
Partners RHI Stage |
| Polarising | Pares Advogados | Revista Visão |