RHI Stage – Nicolás Farruggia

RHI Stage – Nicolás Farruggia

04 June 2020, 9:00pm

Arte Institute and RHI Initiative present a concert by Nicolás Farruggia at RHI Stage. 

Nicolás Farruggia is a stateless person. He recognizes only one country: the song. And Nicolás Farruggia’s song is the emotional vehicle for the stories and accents of a polyglot singer. His singing goes through Argentine folklore to the most Bahian samba chula in Brazil, then he can play the Neapolitan song, passing through Cape Verde or Afro-Peruvian rhythms … until it ends in the blues. 

A voice and a guitar, many worlds. Nicolás was born in Argentina, grew up in Italy, and studied classical guitar until his master’s degree, at the prestigious Royal Academy of Music in London. Despite the promising career of a soloist, the tailcoat is more fair than a tight skirt and he leaves for Bahia de Todos os Santos, where he is reborn a songwriter. His first two albums – Mátria (2009) and Nico ~ Latinidade (2012) – are a resutl of this bond between popular rhythms with classical technique: a union consecrated by the indissoluble ring of poetry. 

Back in the old world, he becomes an “alfacinha” (Lisboner) in 2016 and begins to liven up Lisbon’s nights with several cross-cultural projects: the “Forró Miór” quartet, the “Orquestra Latinidade” and the Dominican meringue sextet “Tony Madeira y los Impresionantes” . More recently, in March 2019, commissioned by Largo Residências, he creates and directes Libê – Lisbon Buskers Ensemble. 

In these pandemic times, he continues to work on new songs in partnership with the Paraná poetress Piera Schnaider, teaches “cantautoria” at a distance and studies Mandarin. He will soon be releasing a video clip with the participation of the master Chico Buarque de Holanda.

Download the RHI Think application, available at playstore and applestore, to watch the show and to value the artists’ work by paying what you can as a ticket for these free shows. The shows are free but the work of the artists shouldn’t be. Value it!

The show will also be transmited here on our platform, and on Arte Institute and RHI Think facebook pages.

Partners RHI Stage | 
| Polarising | Pares Advogados | Revista Visão
 | Camones |