RHI Stage – Concertos para Bebés

RHI Stage – Concertos para Bebés

15 April 2020, 9:30pm

The Arte Institute and the RHI Initiative have the pleasure to present Concerto para Bebés at RHI Stage.

Dedicated to families with children between 0 and 3 years of age, the Concerts for Babies are just concerts. 

Monteverdi, Bach and Mozart are the main hosts of a very wide menu of composers, from classical to jazz, from traditional Portuguese music to world music, from electronics to improvisation and dances with parents and babies. 

They were created in Leiria, in 1998, in the SAMP Cradle of Arts classes but they have already traveled the world, from China to Brazil, and are regular guests at some of the main concert halls and festivals in Europe. Main Goal Provide a regular music program for early childhood: families with babies from the ages of 0 to 3.

Before watching the concert, it is important to review the PARENTS GUIDE speacially prepared for this moment, available HERE

Moreover, there have been released several episodes that provide a follow-up on this concert, entitled At Home with MUSICALMENTE. You can ask to receive them by sending an email to producao@musicalmente.pt.

Find out more about Paulo Lameiro.

Watch the show here on our platform, or on Arte Institute and RHI Think facebook pages.

Download the RHI Think application, available at playstore and applestore and value the artists’ work by paying what you can as a ticket for these free shows. The shows are free but the work of the artists shouldn’t be. Value it!

Follow @concertosparabebes at facebook and check out MUSICALMENTE website to get to know more about this project.

Partners RHI Stage |  
| Polarising | Pares Advogados | Revista Visão |