Portuguese Speaking Countries Short Film Festival in Funchal

Portuguese Speaking Countries Short Film Festival in Funchal

The Arte Institute has the pleasure to present the Portuguese Speaking Countries Short Film Festival in Funchal, on July 24 & 25 as part of RHI 2021 – III Edition.

Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias
Avenida Arriaga 9000-060 Funchal
July 24 & 25, 2021 – 6.00 PM (GMT +1)

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The Festival aims to promote the cinema from the Portuguese Speaking Countries. Don’t miss this chance to learn more about a great selection of movies by directors from the Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP).

– Bastien (2017) by Welket Bungué // Guiné-Bissau
– María adá (2017) by Rubén Monsuy // Guiné Equatorial
– Não é meu Não é teu… É nosso (2017) by Nilton Medeiros and Magdalena Bialoborska
– O Vôo da Papoila (2017) by Nuno Portugal // Portugal
– Mensajeiru (2017) by Francisca Maia // TIimor Leste

– Tatana (2017) by João Ribeiro // Mozambique
– Independensia (2020) by Xisto Silva, Ricardo Gritto, Tony Amaral // Timor Leste
– Alambamento (2020) by Mário Bastos // Angola
– Arriaga (2020) by Welket Bungué // Guiné-Bissau
– Estereoscopia (2020) by Sandrine Cordeiro // Portugal
– Sofia (2020) by Filipe Ruffato and Gonçalo Viana // Portugal

For more information about the movies, please visit: http://cplp.arteinstitute.org/

Partners ||
| Câmara Municipal do Funchal
| Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias