Portuguese From Soho | Cape Verde

Portuguese From Soho | Cape Verde

The Arte Institute is pleased to present the documentary “Portuguese From Soho – A Story That Changed Its Geography” in Cape Verde.

Palácio da Cultura Ildo Lobo
Praça Alexandre Albuquerque, CP 302, Cidade da Praia
June 19, 2019 – 6.30 PM

Rita Redshoes will be playing the movie’s soundtrack live.

Synopsis | 

The documentary “Portuguese from Soho – A story that changed its geography” tells the story of the Portuguese emigrants that arrived in SoHo after the Second World War. Through their story, we discover the history of this neighbourhood and of the city of New York.

Support |
| Ministério da Cultura e das Indústrias Criativas
| Palacio da Cultura Ildo Lobo
| Banco Interatlântico
| Pestana Hotel Group
| PassaFree