Portuguese Congress of Art-Therapy

Portuguese Congress of Art-Therapy

Arte Institute suggests the 18th Portuguese Congress of Art-Therapy | psychotherapy by SPAT – Portuguese Society of Art and Therapy at Caloute Gulbenkian Foudation on October 21 and 22.

18th Portuguese Congress of Art-Therapy | psychotherapy
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Lisbon October 21 and 22 

Recipients: All professionals and the general public interested in Art Therapy / Psychotherapy Art & Science Portuguese Society of Art Therapy.
Having arrived at twenty years of existence the Portuguese Society of Art Therapy aims to celebrate twice.

On the one hand, all the work done along the evolutionary path that encorpou the SPAT scientific experience, taking into account the constructs technical and developed theoretical, through thousands of hours of clinical and institutional interventions. On the other, the many emotional creative artistic experiences that have been tried on a personal level and in the relationship between colleagues, trainees and trainers. With this Congress aims to open opportunities for reflection around areas such as: Art, creativity and neuroscience; Creativity, Art and development; Art Therapy and empirical research; Art-Psychotherapy and clinical research; Scientific Foundations of Art Therapy / Psychotherapy; Epistemology of the arts; Art: Myth or human science; Arts Psychology.

Learn more about it in arte-terapia.com/congresso/

Don´t miss it!