Arte Institute, with sponsorhip of CGD – Caixa Geral de Depósitos and FLAD – Luso-American Development Foundation presents “Portugal in SoHo” in NYC, June 5 and 6.
“Portugal in Soho” invites us to remember the Soho of the past, when Portuguese people arrived in this area searching for a new life in America.
We will reinvent one of the old portuguese clubs – “O Piolho” (The Louse). On June 6 from 3 pm to 6 pm, you can learn more about Portuguese people in Soho with the screening of part of the documentary “Portuguese people from Soho” – a story that has changed geography. Simultaneously you will have the opportunity to find out the contemporary Portugal – its writers, gastronomy, and wines.
On June 5 Arte Institute will open this event with “AmaÌlia, Fado and Further” a concert by the piano player, JuÌlio Resende at Tribecas Cinemas at 7:45 pm.