Os Maias
Arte Institute presents “Os Maias” a João Botelho film based on the novel by Eça de Queiroz.
Film Screening
October 17 – 3.30 PM
Umass Dartmouth University
Grand Reading Room – Claire T. Carney
+ Q&A with actor Pedro Lacerda
October 19 – 7 PM
Brown University
Buonnano Room 201
+ Q&A with actor Pedro Lacerda
October 21 – 3.30 PM
Berkeley City College
Auditorium (Room 21)
+ Q&A with actor Pedro Lacerda
A strong bond has formed between Alfonso da Maia and his grandson, Carlos, the last of the old family line. Carlos da Maia qualifies as a physician at the University of Coimbra and after an extended Grand Tour of Europe, he returns to Lisbon in the autumn of 1875 much to his grandfather’s joy. In the following fourteen months, the birth, progress and death of the comedy and tragedy in his life reflects the comedy and tragedy of Portugal. The well-born doctor spends his time in the company of his manipulative friend, João de Ega, genius of the written word and ‘unfinished’ works and leads a dolce fare niente existence filled with convictions, and also friends and mistresses. But he then falls deeply in love with a woman as beautiful as a Madonna and as shrouded in mystery as any heroine in the school of naturalist aesthetics. She’s a new character in this aesthetically revolutionary novel. Passions are unleashed that reach beyond the shadowy past to a new and even darker abyss — that of incest. Even when he discovers that Maria Eduarda is his sister, he is unable to control his desire for her. An end comes abruptly when the aging Afonso da Maia dies to atone for the terrible sin his grandson, the very purpose of his life, has committed. And then instead of the hero of the novel also dying, Eca’s come up with another of his inventive twists. Carlos and Ega set off on a long, leisurely journey of frivolous pleasures. Ten years later, they meet again in Lisbon, which seems so different yet so much the same capital of a country heading towards bankruptcy. Written by the genius that was Eça de Queiroz, The Maias is a great, melodramatic, humorous and melancholic work that points to the inevitable fate awaiting both the Maia family and Portugal.
About the Director
João Botelho born Lamego 11/5/49 Faculty of Sciences of the University of Coimbra. Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. Coimbra and Porto film clubs. Portuguese Conservatory Film School. Film critic for newspapers and magazines. He founded the film magazine M. His films have received awards at film festivals in Figueira da Foz, Antwerp, Rio de Janeiro, Venice, Berlin, Salsomaggiore, Pesaro, Belfort, Cartagena, … etc. Retrospectives in Bergamo (1996) with the publication of a monograph on his work in La Rochelle (1998) and the Luxembourg Cinematheque 2002). He was awarded the Ordem do Infante Dom Henrique commendation for cultural merit. Main films: 1980/CONVERSA ACABADA. 1985/UM .A_DEUS PORTUGUÊS. 1987/TEMPOS DIFÍCEIS. 1991/NO DIA DOS MEUS ANOS.1993/AQUI NA TERRA. 1994/TRÊS PALMEIRAS. 1998/TRÁFICO. 1999/SE A MEMÓRIA EXISTE. 2001/QUEM ÉS TU? 2003/A MULHER QUE ACREDITAVA SER PRESIDENTE DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DA AMÉRICA. 2005/0 FATALISTA. 2007/A TERRA ANTES DO CÉU. 2008/A CORTE DO NORTE. 2009/PARA QUE ESTE MUNDO NÃO ACABE. 2010/OH LISBOA MEU LAR. 2010/FILME DO DESASSOSSEGO. 2014/A ARTE DA LUZ TEM 20.000 ANOS. 2014/QUATRO.
About the Producer
Alexandre Oliveira born Lisbon 28/9/71 He studied production management at the Lisbon Theatre and Film School. He has worked in film production management and executive production with leading names in the Portuguese and European film industry: João César Monteiro, Manoel de Oliveira, Paulo Rocha and Werner Schroeter. He was a programmer at the Portuguese Cinematheque – Museum of Cinema with Joao Benard da Costa. In 2001, he set up AR DE FILMES, a production company that promotes film and theatre projects. The company includes Companhia Teatro do Bairro and a 120-seater venue in Bairro Alto with a theatre, music and dance programme. It has produced over 20 plays in recent years. In the last 6 years, he has made over 10 films with Joao Botelho ranging from documentaries and feature films. He has also done important work in film distribution by creating a new circuit system to ensure that audiences get to see the films by projecting them in large municipal theatres. 0 Filme do Desassossego, which is based on a work by Fernando Pessoa, is one of the most viewed films in Portugal in the last 10 years with an average of over 200 spectators per session.