Nuno Vasa- Home

Nuno Vasa- Home

To think about Nuno Vasa’s work is an invitation to look at the creative act’s beginning phase. His pieces reveal what João Lima Pinharanda defines as a “dominant direction”, expressed both in the enviable coherence that his work demonstrates, as well as the speech that the artist looks to transmit.

Mário Verino Rosado,
Santa Cruz, 2011

O Gozo



1995 / 2000

Licenciatura em Escultura, A.R.C.A – U.E.A.C, Coimbra.



Five Approaches to Painting, Chelsea College of Art & Design, Londres



Bolsa de estudo Casa de Velázquez, Madrid.



Invasão Á Francesa, Site Specific, Rua da Cruz, n.º13, Torres Vedras.

Solo Shows


Live Act, with André Faustino (Cage Cabarret), Aboboreira

Solo Shows


Mosca, Site Specific, C.M. Lourinhã, Cidades Criativas Lourinhã

Solo Shows


Ding Dong, Paço dos Alcaides, Castelo de Montemor - o - Novo.

Solo Shows


O Gozo, Cooperativa de comunicação e Cultura, Torres Vedras

Solo Shows


Acto, Sopro Projecto Arte Contemporânea, Lisboa.

Solo Shows


Galeria Raquel Ponce, Madrid.

Solo Shows


Project Room, Kiss Me…, XIV Estampa, Casa de Velázquez, Madrid.

Solo Shows


Possible Dinner, Odminiu Square, Vilnius Capital Europeia da Cultura 2009 (permanente)

Solo Shows


Without, Maisson 44, Basel.

Solo Shows


Five past Five, Galerija Vartai, Vilnius.

Solo Shows


Ligth / Sviesa, Galerija Vartai, Vilnius.

Solo Shows


Art Salamanca, Galeria Raquel Ponce, Salamanca.

Group Show


Arte Lisboa, Sopro Projecto Arte Contemporânea, Lisboa.

Group Show


Valência - Arte, Galeria Raquel Ponce, Valência.

Group Show


MACE, Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Elvas, Colecção António Cachola, Elvas.

Group Show


ARCO 07 Galeria Raquel Ponce, Madrid.

Group Show


XIV Estampa, Casa de Velázquez, Madrid.

Group Show


Contemporay Portugal, colecção [António Gomes de Pinho] Galerija Vartai, Vilnius.

Group Show


XIII Estampa, Portugal País convidado, comissário [João Pinharanda], Madrid.

Group Show


V Prémio City Desk, Fundação D. Luís I, Cascais.

Group Show


I Quadrienal, S.M.C. Centro de Arte Contemporânea, Co-Autor: Saulius Vaitiekunas, comissário [Krzysztof Stanislawski]. Vilnius.

Group Show


Projecto Voyager Experimentadesign, Torres Vedras.

Group Show

2005 – Prémio Casa de Velázquez, Madrid.
2002 – Prémio D. Fernando II, Sintra.
1999 – Prémio Valorização Estética de Espaços Educativos pelo Ministério da Educação.
1987 – Palmarés Nacional, Journée Européene dês écoles, pela Fundação Europeia de Cultura.

IVAM – Institut Valencià d’Art Modern.
Comunidad de Madrid.
MACE – Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Elvas.
Ministério da Educação Portugal.
Colecções Privadas.

Press Release

“The fact that someone’s “enjoyment is alleviated” won’t be an empty paradox or, at best, a lovely euphemism expressing the fact of being simply robbed of it?”   

To think about Nuno Vasa’s work is an invitation to look at the creative act’s beginning phase. His pieces reveal what João Lima Pinharanda defines as a “dominant direction”, expressed both in the enviable coherence that his work demonstrates, as well as the speech that the artist looks to transmit. Sculpture, painting, installation, performance and, in this case, the digital installation, are the means used for an expression oriented to the grammar of space and time, to the coordinates of possibility and impossibility – the necessary and inevitable reflexion around human condition of our strange modernity.

In his work we see that, beyond a systemic approach to the physical/virtual space of representation/installation, Vasa looks to create an interactive dynamic between his work and the spectator, being the latter, usually, invited to participate in the affirmation of the sense of the piece dialogue, up dating it and assuming himself as the necessary extension to the effectiveness of its meaning. This appeal for contact is easily observed in works as Jantar Possível II (2003, Colecção Vilnius Capital Europeia da Cultura 2009), Casa de Contar Segredos (2004), Cinema (2004) or Kiss me with red lips and I’ll never be the same (2006).

The question of representation/inscription space becomes also ananalysis vector essential to coming closer to the work of Nuno Vasa. In installations/performances like Auto Retracto (2005), Acto (2006/2007) or O Gozo (2007), the artist proposes the work of demolishing the creative/expressive gesture, imposing the center of his problematic around questions as essential as the matter and its relation with space.

O Gozo (now available in digital version and accessible on the Web), the work that serves as motif for these words, reflects the tense relation we establish with our own imagination. His group of twenty four images (a funny reference to the illusionist mechanics of Cinema) there is a common denominator: the painful impossibility of accessing a direct speech in automatic form.   

The images of O Gozo will speak for themselves and will provoke, certainly, the most diverse emotions in the spectator. Meanwhile, and taking the risk of affecting the enjoyment of each observer, here’s a quote from Nuno Vasa himself:

“Some of these images are extremely shocking and capable of hurting your sensibility”

Mário Verino Rosado,
Santa Cruz, 2011