Nebulae 2021 welcomes Croatia
The Arte Institute suggests Nebulae 2021.
Nebulae, the industry programme of Doclisboa, announces the Invited Country for its 2021 edition. With the support of the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, the festival is pleased to welcome Croatia.
The programme, that in 2020 has received more than 800 guests from more than 70 countries, in an exclusively digital version, will take place in a hybrid format – with activities both online and onsite – during the festival’s period. It will feature networking events for national and international participants, presentations, and a pitching session for Croatian projects in development.
The pitching session will offer a moment in which selected works in progress are presented to a wide professional audience: programmers, producers, distributors and other international film professionals will be invited.
Full information on how to submit a project, for Croatian produced or co-produced productions, can be found at doclisboa.org.