MusicOrba Concert
Arte Institute presents a piano four hands concert with MusicOrba.
MusicOrba – Ricardo Vieira and Tomohiro Hatta
Tribeca Film Center
375 Greenwich Street, New York
October 26, 7pm
Since the arrival of the first Portuguese to Japan back in the early six- teenth century, that created bonds of a deep curiosity and admiration be- tween Japan and Portugal . The Eurasian extremes gathered.
Nearly five centuries later, in Paris , two very talented pianists return to repeat the feat . The Portuguese Ricardo Vieira and Japanese Tomohiro Hatta come to contribute again to this gathering , using the most universal language, music , able to unite cultures , peoples and countries , regardless of their roots , their language and their traditions , in an exercise to make close and familiar what is apparently so distant.
The result is the MusicOrba project , where you can hear Tomohiro Hatta playing the very portuguese Fado Burnay and Ricardo Vieira joining the interpretation of two pieces by Yoshinao Nakada.
Yet again, in this journey through music, we can find other looks over Portugal with the Ballad of António Victorino de Almeida and with Daniel Schvetz’s Honor of the land between Douro and Vouga. The italian inspiration comes to us through Joly Braga Santos’ music, undoubtedly one of the most important portuguese composers of the twentieth century. France, the country that united these two pianists, comes to us through the music for four hands of Maurice Ravel.
André Cunha Leal – Producer of Antena 2 of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal – Consultant for Classical Music of Centro Cultural de Belém