“MĂșltiplos Carpe Diem Editions collection”

“MĂșltiplos Carpe Diem Editions collection”

“Múltiplos Carpe Diem Editions collection”
Open House  + 5 Years Book Launch
Reception September 27, 3pm-9pm
77 Carroll Street, Apt 4
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Arte Institute supports the exhibition “Múltiplos Carpe Diem Editions collection” in New York.
The next stop for Carpe Diem Limited Editions International Tour is New York already in September. The exhibition of the Múltiplos Carpe Diem Editions collection will receive visits on number 77 Carrol Street in Brooklyn during the afternoon of September 27th and it will stay in New York until October 11th where it can be known by appointment. This International Tour counts with the International Support Program for the Arts from General-Director for the Arts and the partnership with E/L Studio.
Watch the interview with Lourenço Egreja, director of Carpe Diem Arte e Pesquisa.
September 29 – October 11
(by appointment)
77 Carroll Street, Apt 4
Brooklyn, NY 11231