Men on the Couch Concert
The Arte Institute and RHI Initiative are pleased to present Men on the Couch concert, on the RHI Stage platform, on June 16 at 6.30 PM (GMT +1)!
Watch online:
– RHI Stage Platform –
– RHI Think App
June 16, 2021 – 6.30 PM (GMT +1) Men On The Couch are four young kids at the end of the carefree university life, who sing the emotions of this time. Coming from Madeira, where they spent a lot of time together, they started to write down the joys and anguishes of their generation. From their prespective, they saw a fake world, with fale love, social networks that determine our lives and an occasional desire to say f… darn it!!!
– RHI Stage Platform –
– RHI Think App
June 16, 2021 – 6.30 PM (GMT +1) Men On The Couch are four young kids at the end of the carefree university life, who sing the emotions of this time. Coming from Madeira, where they spent a lot of time together, they started to write down the joys and anguishes of their generation. From their prespective, they saw a fake world, with fale love, social networks that determine our lives and an occasional desire to say f… darn it!!!
Download the RHI Think App, available at playstore and applestore, to value the artists work by paying what you can as a ticket for these free shows.