Meet me in New York
Arte Institute suggests the novel “Encontra-me em Nova Iorque” (“Meet me in New York”) by Duarte Monteiro.
Sinopse: “Meet Me in New York”
Edward Grant, a young English reporter living in London, decides to leave to New York
with the purpose of spending a few days away from his life, haunted by the suffering and emptiness caused by the end of his relationship. But Edward is far from imagining that decision will drive him to a series of events which will change his life forever.
From his monotonous and uninteresting daily routine, Edward goes on to become a key
figure of a possible war in the Balkans. Under the protection of Danielle, an FBI agent in
New York, Edward experiences the wonders of the “Big Apple” as he begins to understand the cure for his broken heart is right in front of him.
However, Danielle’s destiny, to which she was sentenced as a child, breaks out in a
December morning and threatens to destroy their future. Under the bright outdoors of
Times Square, Central Park’s calm pathways and the extraordinary singularity of this
city, “Meet me in New York” is a journey through the tricks of fate.
Biografia: Duarte Monteiro
Duarte Monteiro was born on 12th August, 1986, at the Portuguese city of Marco de
Canaveses but spent the first 13 years of his life in the Swiss town St. Gallen, before
returning to Portugal in the turn of the century, in 2000.
After a difficult period adapting to a new reality, Duarte Monteiro entered the university in September 2005. With a graduate degree in Journalism from the University of Porto, he dedicated the first years of his young career to the information area, working at TVI, Porto Canal and Clix.
In 2009, alongside two other university colleagues, Duarte Monteiro founded the sports
website ogolo.net, which reached three thousand daily visits in less than a year and
definitively opened him the door of journalism. During the year the website was online
(before it adopted the name of Clix Desporto), he would achieve some of his most
remarkable works, such as the interviews to tennis players Caroline Wozniacki and Ana
Ivanovic, as well as German football goalkeeper Hans-Jörg Butt.
By the end of 2010, at only 24 years of age, Duarte Monteiro wrote his first novel (“Meet me in New York”) after a two-month stay in that North American city. The experience put him on the trail of literature.
Nowadays, parallel to the writing of his second novel, Duarte Monteiro is working as a
journalist at the football website zerozero.pt.