The Arte Institute and the RHI Initiative present the show mARCIANO, as part of the RHI Stage 2021 program.

Watch online:
– RHI_Think and Arte Institute Facebook pages
– RHI Stage Platform – 
– RHI Think App
September 16, 2021 – 9.00 PM

Download the RHI Think App, available at playstore and applestoreto value the artists work by paying what you can as a ticket for these free shows.

About the show:
A being who breathes music in his multiverse.

Through it, he discovers singing as therapy for his sorrows, hoping to drive them away.

With his past and body connected to rock, it’s in pop language that he finds the means to express his various influences.

Emotivity, attitude, irreverence and neo-romanticism are key words to describe MARCIANO.

Over time he has often been compared to António Variações, Heróis do Mar, Sétima Legião and even Paulo Bragança. Released in 2017, “14.000 Dias entre Terra e Marte” (14.000 Days between Earth and Mars) is his first solo álbum.

Produced by Miguel Cervini and Mastered by Armando Teixeira (Balla, Knok Knok), the record portrays a wide range of references, converging pop, rock, electronic, folk, fado, gothic and industrial.


Between Earth and Mars

Facebook @marcianohomemdemarte

Partners RHI Stage ||
| Revista Visão
| Polarising
| Pares Advogados

Institutional Partner ||
| República Portuguesa/Cultura