Loulé Design Lab Residencies

Loulé Design Lab Residencies

The Arte Institute suggests Loulé Design Lab Residencies!

If you have an idea or project…

Loulé Design Lab is a creation, investigation and experimentation laboratory centered on design. The main mission of the lab is to nurture a continuous dialogue between the lab’s creative residents and the local traditional artisans aiming to develop new projects linked to traditional cultural heritage supported by links to like-minded institutions and projects around the globe.


The main function of the LAB is to host creative professionals within a co-working environment that includes a workshop and exhibition spaces. The LAB also promotes research projects linked to local production, supports product creation and development, curates a network of partner ateliers and produces regular programming with artistic residencies, workshops, conferences and exhibitions.

– equiped workshops
– co-working rooms
– photography studio
– multipurpose room
– training room
– exhibition gallery
– shop

to whom

The Loulé Design Lab is intended for students, creators, designers, researchers, and entrepreneurs, individually or in teams, with innovative projects, with strong connections to our local culture.

be our resident

Until 12 months, residents receive mentoring, space, technical help and access to our partner network; and participate in our exhibitions, debates and workshops.


Permanent Desk – assignment of a workplace with storage space;
Shared Desk – allocation of shared work space;
Virtual Resident – participation in the program, without workplace assignment.


creative time bank

The permanence in the Loulé Design Lab in the categories of resident or one-time user will not have a financial cost. However, it will be mandatory to contribute in time to the Creative Time Bank developing common projects and of interest to the Loulé Design Lab / Creative Loulé.

applications till 15th January

You can apply online www.louledesignlab.pt