“John Dos Passos: Poetic Gestures”
Arte Institute presents the performance “John Dos Passos: Poetic Gestures” at Access Theater on January 10 at 8.30 p.m.
Portuguese-American writer John Dos Passos was born 120 years ago on January 14th. One of the Lost Generation writers, Dos Passos’ writing was often populated by stream-of-consciousness inspired images, in a dancing motion of words that characterized his unique style.
Interpretive dancer Deborah Corrales will bring her own physical expression to the words of Dos Passos, read by actor Filipe Valle Costa (excerpts from book of poems “A Pushcart at the Curb”).
There will be a total of two performers on the stage: the actor reading the texts and the dancer.
Tickets: $5 at the door
Don`t miss it!