JAS – Untitled Project
We have the pleasure to exhibit Untitled Project by JAS.
Press Release
Certain types of deluge, such as floods or tsunamis, replicating extensive Biblical places, sometimes, and similarly, affect the pacified order on the terrestrial surface and, exhausted of its pillage, abandon the loot in a particularly dramatic way, leaving an improvised Pangea of debris in the place of a prior order. We can imagine that an evil from Atlantis invades the land from time to time. That aftermath is the disturbed order, a creation of the natural, an unrestrained impulse of Poseidon receiving his powers from Gaia, retreating himself from the occasional rape with the terrestrial mouthpiece, trespassing the prior order and bequeathing its elements as remains. A new order imposed itself after all: the juxtaposed order of the invader element, which has left groaning its assaulted body, as after an imposed copulation.
A first possible impression for a visitant of JAS’ work, similarly, is that of a dilution on the canvas, a type of bleached deluge that, in an overlapped way, removed a former pictorial existence, placing a type of aftermath in its place. This way, among fishes and debris, we’re confronted with an inscription of an unused and diluvial order in a poriferous order of the emptiness. The angiology of the roots, the varicose ramifications of the waiting, fishes as bones crossed in the throat of time, a submerged flora but released from its mass of water, the punctuated rains intersecting the tortuous dew of the branches, the lust of the bleach washing the materials like a scorching and impenitent sun, the focus of its blazing observation. These are places of wear and tear, of penury, of remains, even remains of color, of light. The earthly places are saturated and overpopulated. The submerged places are limpid and ample. Everything that comes before the water annulment is fiercely concatenated. The water canvas claims all the space of absence for itself. The look breathes with difficulty in those huge masses of aquatic space, revolving while being caught in that empty net, struggling, twisting, and its anguish is that of a fallen acrobat, struggling in the net of its salvation and shame. We look at the empty canvas and we know that it creates a harmful atmosphere, the extermination, but also the restoration. The fish, the roots that raise, the bronchioles, the coral, everything is a figurative surrogate for a hostile element to the human footstep. A man doesn’t have ground under his feet in this amniotic oblivion.
On the fish, pelagic monad, the cities are inscribed and that’s the reason why the canvas is fundamentally empty. The fish is the minimum decomposer of creation and multiplication. It comes to determine and inhabit the empty, or at least was what remained from what has happened, of an exterminating element that contained in itself a way of perpetuation of the order against which it assailed and endangered. In the fractals of a panting fish, a city gains shape and the restoration of a civilization’s order.
Falling into the sin of comparison, guided by the satellites of the programmatic contexts, we could think of the current tendency as if we were somewhere between the final trouts of Courbet and Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso’s La fôret merveilleuse, with its exotic and stubborn florescence. But it may well be that we’re before a type of minimalism that seals the light and the color as if the light and color were two substances subjected to the erosion of this urban deluge. Among the faded colors, from the inside of the pure white we observe a problem of suspended profiles, the repair of an order through the elementary lines of the rain that fishes and suspends, as by twine, the only settler: the fish. Such as in the Biblical mythography, the fish swallows the human being and sows cities, but is also a sort of Messiah, an encoded icon condensing a vast Christianity, symbol by excellence. Multiplier, the fish here is not the desolate phallus of the tired Courbet, if not the symbol of vitality with no melancholy. It’s the symbol of a painter’s vital insemination on the canvas. The canvas is the net that sifted the messianic fish. I bet and I wonder which fishes will be in the late JAS… It’s still too soon to see.
Daniel Jonas
He was born in Porto in 1981.His work has been developed in different artistic fields and activities such as installation, performance, video, painting, scenography, and drawing.He was one of the founders of Espaço INCUBADORA (2002-2007) in Vila Nova de Gaia, where he presents permanent installations/exhibitions, among other projects.
He’s a member and collaborator of Instituto Antimatéria since 2009 at Espaço Ilimitado – Núcleo de Difusão Cultural, and the Quarto Escuro –Project Room, in Porto.
He has developed several individual projects and in co-authorship with other artists, having the video and drawing in real-time as the preponderant elements of his work. It’s worth mentioning the artist residency at Centro Cultural de Belém, in a partnership with Fábrica das Artes in 2013 and 2015.
He has collaborated with Saguenail, illustrating several of his literary works, among others. He exhibits both individually and collectively since 2000, with emphasis on his latest interventions at Fundação Escultor José Rodrigues, Municipal Gallery of the Florbela Espanca Library in Matosinhos, and Galeria Metamorfose in Porto.
He directed several short films and experimental videos:
2014 Murmures de murs,12″ | Quintas de Leitura – 14 anos 2 | Fly, video clip para os Quiet Affair 4 ’01
2015 Underwater, 2’ 50’’ | Se eu pudesse trincar a terra toda, 13
2012 Asas pretas 1 ‘152″ | Tabula Rasa – work in progress 3’16” | Work in progress with Manuela Pimentel 1’59″
2010 Silêncio 12 ‘ | Sem Lugar 4’32″
2008 Caixa vaselina 1’41” | olho circular 2’21” | Máquina de fazer folhas 4’23” | Chaleira 1’40″
2007 Operario Fabril 1′ 50″
Video Interview
Lisboa, Portugal, MNAC – Museu do Chiado 1960 – 2010: Arte Portuguesa do Século XX (09/02 – 27/05/2012)
San Francisco, California. U.S.A., Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Super 8 (26/01 – 24/06/2012) (Curated by Julião Sarmento, Richard T. Walker, Takehito Koganezawa, Tunga, Wood & Harrison, Marco Brambilla, Reynold Reynolds and Walker & Walker) Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Islas Canarias, Spain, Tenerife Espacio de las Artes En Obras [Under Construction] Colecção Teixeira de Freitas (09/11/2011 –04/03/2012) (Curated by Adriana Pedrosa) Lisboa, Portugal, Museu Colecção Berardo Museu Colecção Berardo (1960-2010) (09/11/2011 – ?) (Curated by Pedro Lapa) Lisboa, Portugal, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Labirintos - Roads to Whatever obras da colecção do CAM (30/09 – 17/11/2011) (Curated by Leonor Nazaré) León, Spain, MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León Cambio de paradigma. Colección Serralves años 60-70 (24/09/2011 – 08/01/2012) (Curated by João Fernandes and Augustín Pérez Rubio) São Paulo, Brazil, Galeria Fortes Vilaça (Galpão) Districted br. (06/08 – 29/08/2011) (Curated by Neville Wakefield and Marcia Fortes) Elvas, Portugal, MACE Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Elvas Antena 5: Staging the Archive (16/07 – 31/12/2011) (Curated by Ana Anacleto) Santa Monica, California, U.S.A., Christopher Grimes Gallery Super 8 (08/07 – 03/09/2011) (Curated by Julião Sarmento, Richard T. Walker, Takehito Koganezawa, Tunga, Wood & Harrison, Marco Brambilla, Reynold Reynolds and Walker & Walker) New York, U.S.A., Marianne Boesky Gallery Lost Paradise Diana Al-Hadid, Mathias Kessler, and Julião Sarmento (07/07 – 05/08/2011) (Curated by Marianne Boesky) Lisboa, Portugal, Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art All to Wall (parte 1) (07/07 – 17/09/2011) (Curated by João Silvério) Santander, Spain, Fundación Botín Construyendo uma Colección una interpretación de la Colección Fundación Botín (05/07 – 18/09/2011) (Curated by Carmen Gimenez) València, Spain, IVAM Institut Valencià d’Art Modern Obras Maestras de la Pintura en la Colección del IVAM Pasado. Presente, y Futuro (18/05/2011 – ?) (Curated by Francisco Calvo Serraller) Alcoitão, Portugal, Ellipse Foundation The Last First Decade (30/04 – 18/12/2011) (Curated by Alexandre Melo and Ivo André Braz) Cáceres, Spain, Centro de Artes Visuales, Fundación Helga de Alvear Historias de la Vida Material / Stories of Material Life (01/04 – 04/09/2011) (Curated by Delfim Sardo) Wuppertal, Germany, Von der Heydt-Museum Zettels Traum The drawing collection of Bernd and Verena Klüser (15/03 – 19/06/2011) Curated by Bernd Klüser Meymac, France, Abbaye Saint André - Centre d'art contemporain Femme Objet / Femme Sujet (13/03 - 12/06/2011) Curated by Caroline Bissière and Jean-Paul Blanchet Lisboa, Portugal, Museu Colecção Berardo Observadores – Revelações, Trânsitos e Distâncias. Um Percurso pela Colecção Berardo (14/02 – 29/05/2011) Curated by Ana Rito, Hugo Barata and Jean-François Chougnet Milano, Italy, Spazio Espositivo Guido Nardi - Politecnico di Milano No Place Like – 4 houses 4 Films (Filipa César, João Onofre, João Salaviza, Julião Sarmento) (20/01 – 28/01/2011) Curated by Delfim Sardo
Luanda, Angola, Edifício Platinum II Trienal de Luanda (08/11– 19/12/2010) Curated by Fernando Alvim Venezia, Italy, Portuguese Pavillion, Università Ca’Foscari La Biennale di Venezia 12. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura No Place Like – 4 houses 4 Films (29/08/2010 - 21/11/2010) Curated by Delfim Sardo Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., Hammer Museum Outside the Box: Edition Jacob Samuel, 1988-2009 Curated by Cynthia Burlingham / Britt Salvesen / Leslie Jones Lisboa, Portugal, Museu Colecção Berardo Sous la Dictée de l’Image Um novo percurso pela Colecção Berardo Curated by Jean-François Chougnet Lisboa, Portugal, Plataforma Revólver Objet Perdu Curated by Mário Caeiro Lisboa, Portugal, Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art A Roll of the Dice Curated by David Barro
Tel Aviv, Israel, Dvir Gallery, Perhaps The Heart Francis Alÿs, Julião Sarmento, Lawrence Weiner Curated by Dvir Intrator Monza, Italy, Serrone della Villa Reale e Avengario Gli Anni 80: Il Trionfo della Pittura da Schifano a Basquiat Curated by Marco Meneguzzo Lisboa, Portugal, Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azeredo Perdigão/ Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Anos 70 Atravessar Fronteiras Curated by Raquel Henriques da Silva São Paulo, Brazil, MAM Museu de Arte Moderna Mamõyguara Opá Mamõ Pupé - 31º Panorama da Arte Brasileira Curated by Adriano Pedrosa Deurle, Belgium, MDD Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens Absence is the Highest Form of Presence Robert Gober, Julião Sarmento, Luc Tuymans Curated by Michael Tarantino / Joost Declercq Hornu, Belgium, MAC’s Grand-Hornu Mise à l’échelle Regard sur la collection du MAC’s Meymac, France, Abbaye Saint André, Centre d’art contemporain Pas Necessaire et Pourtant Indispensable 1979-2009: 30 ans d’art contemporain à Meymac Curated by Caroline Bissière Silves, Portugal, Casa das Culturas Árabes e Mediterrânicas ART ALGARVE 2009 - Blink Gravuras do CAM/ Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Curated by Ana Vasconcelos Lagos, Portugal, Centro Cultural de Lagos ART ALGARVE 2009 – Entre o Céu e o Mar (21/06 – 27/09/2009) Curated by Miguel Amado and Albano da Silva Pereira Portimão, Portugal, Museu de Portimão e Galeria do Teatro Tempo ART ALGARVE 2009 – Forças (21/06 – 27/09/2009) Curated by Luísa Especial Porto, Portugal, Museu Serralves Serralves 2009 A Colecção Curated by João Fernandes and Ulrich Loock A Coruña, Spain, MACUF – Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Union Fenosa Antes de ayer y pasado mañana; o lo que puede ser Pintura hoy Curated by David Barro A Coruña, Spain, Fundacion Caixa Galicia Miradas: Desde el informalismo a lo multicolor Colección Caixa Galicia (catalogue) Curated by Alfonso de la Torre Lisboa, Portugal, Museu da Cidade – Pavilhão Preto Desenhos [Drwaings]: A-Z (Museu da Cidade, Lisboa, 2009) Curated by Adriano Pedrosa Portland, Oregon, USA, Portland Art Museum Mixografia: Innovation and Collaboration Curated by Annette Dixon
Lisboa, Portugal, Museu Colecção Berardo BESart – Colecção Banco Espírito Santo – O Presente: Uma Dimensão Infinita (catalogue) Curated by Maria de Corral and Lorena Martinez de Corral Lisboa, Portugal, Hospital Júlio de Matos, Pavilhão 28 Turn me on Curated by Bruno Marques, Israel Guarda, Ivo Braz and José Oliveira Paris, France, New Galerie de France Ombres Curated by Catherine Thiek Alcoitão, Portugal, Ellipse Foundation Art Centre Listen Darling ... The World is Yours Curated by Lisa Phillips Rabat, Morocco, L’Appartement 22 No Food for Visitors Curated by Muriel Enjalran Sevilla, Spain, Casa de la Provincia Colección de Arte Contemporáneo Fundación “La Caixa” Últimos Sueños (catalogue) Curated by Mariano Navarro München, Germany, Galerie Bernd Klüser Reflections on Light 30 Jahre Galerie Bernd Klüser Curated by Bernd Klüser Lisboa, Portugal, Museu Colecção Berardo Não te posso ver nem pintado Um novo percurso pela Colecção Berardo Curated by Eric Corne Cascais, Portugal, Centro Cultural de Cascais Young at Heart (Remix) (brochure) Curated by Alexandre Melo Porto, Portugal, Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis Linha do Horizonte (brochure) Curated by Bernardo Pinto de Almeida Carrara, Italy, Centro Arti Plastichi Internazionali e Contemporanee XIII Biennale Internazionale di Scultura di Carrara Nient’altro che scultura. Nothing but sculpture Curated by Francesco Poli New York, U.S.A., Sean Kelly Gallery Cancelled, Erased & Removed Curated by Sean Kelly Roma, Italy, Galleria Alessandra Bonomo Mental Drawings Monica Bonvicini, Teresita Fernandez, Carlos Garaicoa, Mona Hatoun, Roni Horn, Marc Quinn, Julião Sarmento, Rosemarie Trockel (catalogue) Curated by Ludovico Pratese Vigo, Spain, MARCO Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo Paixóns Privadas, Visións Públicas Coleccións D.O. Galicia (catalogue) Curated by Fernando Castro Flórez Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Caixa Cultural Linha do Horizonte (brochure) Curated by Bernardo Pinto de Almeida Auckland, New Zealand, Jensen Gallery 20/ 20 Lisboa, Portugal, Museu da Cidade – Pavilhão Branco Ponto de Vista Obras da Colecção da Fundação PMLJ Curated by Miguel Amado Milano, Italy, Mimmo Scognamiglio Artecontemporanea People – Maddalena Ambrosio, Justine Kurland, Julião Sarmento, Spencer Tunick Lisboa, Portugal, CHIADO Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea Múltiplas Direcções Curated by Pedro Lapa
Milano, Italy, Galleria Raffaella Cortese Untitled – Kcho, Julião Sarmento, Kiki Smith, Jana Sterbak León, Spain, MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León Existencias Colección MUSAC Curated by Norberto Doctor and Augustín Pérez Rubio Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil Brasil desFocos [o olho de fora] (catalogue) Curated by Paulo Herkenhoff and Nessia Leonzini Lagos, Portugal, Centro Cultural de Lagos Livre Circulação / Toll Free: Serralves no Algarve Curated by João Fernandes Meymac, France, Abbaye Saint-André – Centre d’art contemporain Je est il, Je sont ils? (catalogue) Curated by Caroline Bissière and Jean-Paul Blanchet) New York, U.S.A., The New York Public Library Multiple Interpretations Contemporary Prints in Portfolio Curated by Roberta Waddell Lisboa, Portugal, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian 50 Anos de Arte Portuguesa (catalogue) Curated by Raquel Henriques da Silva Cáceres, Spain, Palacio de Mayoralgo Ocultos Dos autores de la colección Helga de Alvear Badajoz, Spain, MEIAC Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo Secuencias 76/06 Arte contemporáneo en las colecciones públicas de Extremadura New York, U.S.A., Sean Kelly Gallery Pure Barcelona, Spain, CaixaForum Barcelona Colección de Arte Contemporáneo Fundación “la Caixa” Escucha con tus ojos (catalogue) Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., Dallas Museum of Art Fast Forward: Contemporary Collections for the Dalllas Museum of Art Curated by María de Corral Granada, Spain, Centro José Guerrero The Invisible Show (catalogue) Curated by Delfim Sardo
Porto, Portugal, Museu Serralves The 1980’s: A Topology (catalogue) Curated by Ulrich Loock Vigo, Spain, MARCO – Museu de Arte Contemporánea The Invisible Show (catalogue) Torino, Italy, Galleria Giorgio Persano Pier Paolo Calzolari, Nicola De Maria, Mario Merz, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Julião Sarmento Lisboa, Portugal, CCB Centro Cultural de Belém Helga de Alvear Conceitos para uma colecção (catalogue) Alcoitão, Portugal, Ellipse Foundation Group show (opening exhibition) (brochure) Barcelona, Spain, Fundació Foto Colectania Sin Límites Colección de la Fundação Serralves (catalogue) München, Germany, Galerie Bernd Klüser Kunst und Photographie / Photographie und Kunst Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, NCCA National Centre for Contemporary Arts Moskwa, Russia, NCCA National Centre for Contemporary Arts De Dentro – V Glup 6 contemporary portuguese artists (catalogue) Luanda, Angola, Instituto Camões – Centro Cultural Português Portugal Novo – Artistas de Hoje e Amanhã (catalogue) Tel Aviv, Israel, Dvir Gallery To Allen Ginsberg Bilbao, Spain, Guggenheim Bilbao Homage to Chillida (catalogue) Coimbra, Portugal, CAV Centro de Artes Visuais XX – Visões do feminino na Colecção dos Encontros de Fotografia (catalogue) A Coruña, Spain, MACUF Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Union Fenosa Territorio Oeste Aspectos singulares del arte portugués contemporáneo (catalogue) Hornu, Belgium, MAC’s Grand-Hornu Anagramme São Paulo, Brazil, Galeria Fortes Vilaça Hollywood Boulevard
Santa Monica, California, U.S.A., Christopher Grimes Gallery Drawing München, Germany, Galerie Bernd Klüser Drawings Santander, Spain, Fundación Marcelino Botín Del zero al 2005 perspectivas del arte en Portugal (catalogue) São Paulo, Brazil, Estação Pinacoteca Portugal Novo artistas de hoje e amanhã Lisboa, Portugal, Museu Bordalo Pinheiro O Contrato Social (catalogue) Lisboa, Portugal,Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art Romance [a novel] (catalogue) Brugge, Belgium, Grootseminarie, PMMK, Museum voor Moderne Kunst Soul Inspired Art (catalogue) Oeiras, Portugal, Hangar K7, Fundição de Oeiras Terminal – Toxic o discurso do excesso (catalogue) Lisboa, Portugal, Centro Cultural de Belém Colecção Berardo Construir / Desconstruir / Habitar Funchal, Madeira, Portugal,Porta 33 Desenhos : A-Z [Drawings : A-Z] Colecção Madeira Corporate Services Madrid, Spain, Galería Pepe Cobo Feminae
Basel, Switzerland, Galerie Friedrich L’Escalade du Désir Tel Aviv, Israel, Center for Contemporary Art VideoZone2 Neuss, Germany, Langen Foundation Bilder der Stille Die Tradition Japans und die westliche Moderne (catalogue) Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brazil, Museu Vale do Rio Doce Invenção de Mundos Colecção Marcantonio Vilaça Lisboa, Portugal, Museu do Chiado Meio Século de Arte Portuguesa 1944-2004 Dublin, Ireland, Royal Hibernian Academy Joyce in Art : Visual Art Inspired by James Joyce (catalogue)
Porto, Portugal, Museu Serralves Figuração e Desfiguração - Inventário de gestos Castelo Branco, Portugal, Museu de Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior 1960-1980 Anos de normalização artística nas colecções do Museu do Chiado (catalogue) Lisboa, Portugal, Centro Cultural de Belém Corpus Visões do corpo na Colecção Berardo Badajoz, Spain, Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo Colecção de Arte Contemporânea da Caixa Geral de Depósitos Coimbra, Portugal, Centro de Artes Visuais Sem Limites No Limits (catalogue) San Francisco, California, U.S.A., San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Reel Sculpture : Film into Art Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Van Abbemuseum About We New York, U.S.A., Sean Kelly Gallery Upon Reflection…
Sintra, Portugal, Sintra Museu de Arte Moderna Territórios Singulares na Colecção Berardo (catalogue) Porto, Portugal, Museu Serralves Zoom – 1986-2002 Colecção de Arte Contemporânea Portuguesa da Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento : uma selecção (catalogue) Lisboa, Portugal, Museu do Chiado Diferença e Conflito O Século XX nas Colecções do Museu do Chiado Bologna, Italy, Galleria d’Arte Moderna Desire São Paulo, Brazil, Galpão, Av. Francisco Matarazzo // Paralela São Paulo, Brazil, Parque Ibirapuera XXV Bienal de São Paulo – Iconografias Metropolitanas (Sala Especial) (catalogue) Almere, The Netherlands, De Paviljoens Non Linear Editing Kitakyushu, Japan, CCA Kitakyushu, Project Room Void Archive Porto, Portugal, Museu Serralves Something is Missing Atom Egoyan / Julião Sarmento (catalogue) São Paulo, Brazil, Galeria Fortes Vilaça Rotativa Fase 2 (catalogue) Athens, Greece, Athens School of Fine Arts, « The Factory » Conversation ? Recent acquisitions of the Van Abbemuseum (catalogue)
Sevilla, Spain, Galería Pepe Cobo Atlantes Lisboa, Portugal, Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art Filipa César, João Onofre, Julião Sarmento, Michael Biberstein, Noé Sendas, Rui Toscano (brochure) Herford, Germany Wir sind die Ander(en) (catalogue) New York, U.S.A., Sean Kelly Gallery Domestic Acts Kraichtal, Austria, Ursula Blickle Stiftung Desire (catalogue) Venezia, Italy, Arsenale 49º Biennale di Venezia, Plateau of Humankind (catalogue) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Paço Imperial Espelho Cego Seleções de uma Coleção Contemporânea (catalogue) New York, U.S.A., Sean Kelly Gallery Re-Location : on moving
Gent, Belgium, Museum voor Schone Kunsten Het oorkussen van de Melancholie The pilow of the Melancholy (catalogue) Porto, Portugal, Museu de Serralves Colecção Banco Privado para Serralves (brochure) Coimbra, Portugal, Encontros de Fotografia de Coimbra The Mnemosyne Project (catalogue) Salzburg, Austria, Rupertinum Die Intelligenz der Hand Europäische Zeichnungen von Picasso bis Beuys (catalogue) New York, U.S.A., Barbara Gladstone Gallery 0 0 Drawings 2000 (catalogue) Braga, Portugal, Galeria Mário Sequeira Helena Almeida, Georg Baselitz, Francesco Clemente, Anselm Kiefer, Richard Long, Gerhard Richter, Julião Sarmento, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Rachel Whiteread (catalogue) Porto, Portugal, Galeria Pedro Oliveira Uma galeria é uma galeria é uma galeria Lisboa, Portugal, Culturgest Um Oceano Inteiro para Nadar / Spanning An Entire Ocean (catalogue) New York, U.S.A., Sean Kelly Gallery On Language London, England, Millenium Lofts, 9 Kean Street Lisson Gallery at Covent Garden
München, Germany, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus Das Gedächtnis öffnet seine Tore – Die Kunst der Gegenwart im Lenbachhaus (catalogue) San Francisco, California, U.S.A., John Berggruen Gallery The Painted Canvas Porto, Portugal, Museu Serralves Circa 1968 (catalogue) Bonn, Germany, Kunstmuseum Bonn Tage der Dunkelheit und des Lichts – Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Portugal (catalogue) Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Stedelijk VanAbbemuseum De Verzameling (deel 1) Lisboa, Portugal, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azeredo Perdigão Linhas de Sombra (catalogue) München, Germany, Kunstverein München Damenwhal – Rita McBride & To Be Announced (catalogue)
Porto, Portugal, Galeria Pedro Oliveira Corpos em Trânsito Palermo, Italy, Galleria Bianca, Cantieri Culturali Alternativa Zero Tendenze polemiche dell’arte portoghese nelle democrazia (catalogue) São Paulo, Brazil, Galeria Camargo Vilaça Camargo Vilaça BIS 46 New York, U.S.A., Sean kelly Gallery Corpus Virtu San Francisco, California, U.S.A., John Berggruen Gallery Figuration / Abstraction Oxford, England, The Museum of Modern Art A Conversation Piece John Murphy – Julião Sarmento (catalogue) Lisboa, Portugal, Culturgest Anos 80 (catalogue) Barcelona, Spain, Galería Joan Prats En qué estás pensando ?
Oeiras, Portugal, Fundição de Oeiras Anatomias Contemporâneas (catalogue) Barcelona, Spain, Fundació « La Caixa » Colección de Arte Contemporáneo (catalogue) Porto, Portugal, Fundação de Serralves Perspectiva : Alternativa Zero (catalogue) Kópavogur, Iceland, Kópavogur Art Museum Absence/ Presence – Christine Borland, Kristján Gudmundsson, Julião Sarmento (catalogue) New York, U.S.A., Sean Kelly Gallery Magnetic – Drawings in Dialogue Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal, Fundação Cupertino de Miranda A Arte, o Artista e o Outro (catalogue) Eisenstadt, Austria, Burgenländische Landesgalerie Innsbruck, Austria, Kunstraum Innsbruck Kraichtal, Austria, Ursula Blickle Stiftung Von Kopf bis Fuss – Fragmente des Körpers (catalogue) Madrid, Spain, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Palacio de Velázquez En la piel de toro (catalogue) Frankfurt, Germany, Art Frankfurt 1997, Messe Frankfurt Form und Funktion der Zeichnung Heute (catalogue)
Funchal, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal, Galeria Porta 33 Nebeneinander (com Jorge Molder e Rui Sanches) (catalogue) Porto, Portugal, Casa das Artes 3ªs Jornadas de Arte Contemporânea Porto ’96
Lisboa, Portugal, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azeredo Perdigão Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, Museu de José Malhoa Desenhos do Corpo (catalogue) Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art Call it Sleep Bilbao, Spain, Rekalde Extremo Occidente (catalogue) Washington D.C., U.S.A., Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden The Collection Reviewed
Caserta, Italy, Palazzo Reale di Caserta Terrae Motus Terrae Motus (catalogue) Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea Itínere – Camiño e Camiñantes (catalogue) Dublin, Ireland, Irish Museum of Modern Art From Beyond the Pale – Julião Sarmento and Cindy Sherman (catalogue) Lisboa, Portugal, Centro Cultural de Belém Depois de Amanhã / The Day After Tomorrow (catalogue) London, England, Hayward Gallery Unbound : Possibilities in Painting (catalogue) Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A., Laura Carpenter Fine Art Four Europeans : Helmut Dorner, Lili Dujourie, Harald Klingelhöller, Julião Sarmento
Beja, Portugal, Metalúrgica Alentejana Juan Muñoz / Julião Sarmento (catalogue) Óbidos, Portugal, Solar do Largo de Santa Maria BIO ’93 – Cerco (catalogue) Shibukawa, Japan, Hara Museum ARC Contemporary Art from Portugal : Western Lines (catalogue) Aachen, Germany, Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst Dresden, Germany, Technische Sammlungen der Stadt Dresden Berlin, Germany, Staatliche Kunsthalle Klima Global – Arte Amazonas (catalogue) Santa Monica, California, U.S.A., Ruth Bloom Gallery The Brushstroke : Painting in the 90’s (brochure)
München, Germany, Galerie Bernd Klüser Der Gefrorene Leopard / The Frozen Leopard (catalogue) Porto, Portugal, Fundação de Serralves 10 Contemporâneos (catalogue) Vejle, Denmark, Vejle Kunstmuseum Portugisisk Nutidskunst – Rego, Sanches, Sarmento (catalogue) São Paulo, Brazil, Bienal de São Paulo, Parque Ibirapuera Brasília, Brazil, Museu de Arte Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Museu de Arte Moderna Arte Amazonas (catalogue) Paris, France, Centre Georges Pompidou Regard Multiple (catalogue)
Gent, Belgium, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Tríptico (catalogue) Berlin, Germany, Martin-Gropius Bau Metropolis (catalogue)
München, Germany, Staatsgalerie moderner Kunst, Haus der kunst Vom Haben und vom Wollen Perspektiven für eine Staatsgalerie moderner Kunst Eine Austellung (catalogue) Barcelona, Spain, Centre d’Art Santa Mònica Última Frontera. 7 Artistes Portuguesos (catalogue)
Lisboa, Portugal, Galeria Cómicos Crise de l’Objet
Basel, Switzerland, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Farbe Bekennen (catalogue) Porto, Portugal, Casa de Serralves Um Olhar Sobre a Arte Contemporânea Portuguesa (catalogue)
Le Mans, France, Palais des Congres de la Ville du Mans Fontevraud, France, Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud Quatriémes Ateliers Internationaux des Pays de La Loire (catalogue) Kassel, Germany Documenta 8 (catalogue) Paris, France, Grand Palais Terrae Motus (catalogue)
Frankfurt, Germany, Frankfurter Kunstverein Prospect 86 (catalogue)
Athens, Greece, Europalia, National Gallery 11 European Painters (catalogue) Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum Dichgans, Dujourie, Dumas, Foxcroft, De Goede, Van Hemert, Iglesias, Klingelhöller, Luyten, Muñoz, Porter, Sarmento, Schmidt Heins B., Schmidt Heins G., Vermeiren (catalogue)
Ercolano, Italy, Fondazione Amelio, Villa Campolieto Terrae Motus (catalogue)
Barcelona, Spain, Caixa de Barcelona Madrid, Spain, Casa del Monte La Imagen del Animal (catalogue) Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Schleswig-Holsteinischer Kunstverein Kiel, Germany, Kunsthalle zu Kiel der Christian-Albrechts-Universität München, Germany, Stadtmuseum Köln, Germany, Nationalgalerie BerlinKunstverein Kunst mit Photographie (Die Sammlung Dr. Rolf H. Krauss) (catalogue) Lisboa, Portugal, Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes Depois do Modernismo (catalogue)
Kassel, Germany Documenta 7 (catalogue)
Tilburg, The Netherlands, Kultureel Sentrum München, Germany, Kunstverein Bonn, Germany, Kunstverein Gott Oder Geissel ? Erotik in der Kunst Heute (catalogue)
Venezia, Italy, Magazzini del Sale La Biennale di Venezia (Il Tempo del Museo Venezia) (catalogue) Paris, France, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris XIe Biennale de Paris (catalogue)
Stuttgart, Germany Europa 79 (catalogue) Barcelona, Spain, Fundacio Juan Miró Fotografie als Kunst – Kunst als Fotografie Bonn, Germany, Bonner Kunstverein Heidelberg, Germany, Kunstverein Heidelberg Text – Foto – Geschichten (catalogue)
Lisboa, Portugal, Galeria Nacional de Arte Moderna Alternativa Zero (catalogue)