Irene Fonseca

Irene Fonseca

“Portuguese Women in the United States” 
 Field: Researchers and Scientists
Arte Institute is pleased to present a lecture with Professor Irene Fonseca: “The Portugal-USA Math Connection” and Professor Manuela M. Veloso: “Symbiotic Autonomy: Robots, Humans, and the Web”,  at NYU (12 Waverly Place Auditorium), on October 19 at 4 pm.  
Hosts: Scientist Dr. Sílvia Curado and Dr. Inês Pires Silva 
Irene Fonseca (Mellon College of Science Professor of Mathematics; President, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM); Director, Center for Nonlinear Analysis)

Since 1998 Irene Fonseca has been the Director of the Center for Nonlinear Analysis in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Carnegie Mellon University, which primary focus is research and training in applied mathematics, at the broad interface between mathematics and physical science and engineering. Fonseca became the first Mellon College of Science Professor of Mathematics (Chair) in 2003. Fonseca’s work combines research, teaching and training at the interface between pure and applied analysis. Irene Fonseca earned a Licenciatura in Mathematics from the University of Lisbon, a Master of Science and her PhD of Philosophy both from the University of Minnesota.
Fonseca published several books and has over 100 publications related to her work. She was knighted in the Military Order of St. James as Grande Oficial da Ordem Militar de Sant’Iago da Espada by the Portuguese President in 1997, and received a Doctor Honoris Causa from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) in 2012. She is the recipient of numerous honours and awards including the AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecturer for 2006, Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics in 2009,  Fellow of the American Mathematical Society in 2012, and the Seeds of Science Prize, Ciencia Hoje (Portugal) in 2012.
She is the President of SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) in 2013 and 2014.

The event will be followed by wine and cheese.