Fernando Pessoa as English Reader and Writer
Arte Institute suggests “Fernando Pessoa as English Reader and Writer”.
Friday, October 2nd – 5 PM
Providence Athenaeum, 251 Benefit Street, Providence, RI
The Providence Athenaeum, the Brown University Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, and Tagus Press present literary scholar Patricio Ferrari and other contributors on the collection of scholarly essays Fernando Pessoa as English Reader and Writer, co edited by Ferrari and Jeronimo Pizarro and published in Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies 28.
Portuguese poet, whiter, literary critic, translator, publisher, and philosopher Fernando Pessoa was one of the most significant literary figures of the 20th century. With his digitized private library now online (thanks to Ferrari and several others), the importance of English to Pessoa has become indisputable. This volume includes unpublished materials, new transcriptions of texts Pessoa originalli wrote in English, and verse translations by Pessoa into Portuguese.