The Arte Institute in partnership with Mute, Cultivamos Cultura and Ectopia has the pleasure to announce the first FACTT – Festival Art & Science Trans-disciplinary and Trans-national. The Festival will take place in Lisbon from September 14 to 24.
The Festival will continue in New York and Mexico the following month.
September 14 – Exhibition
MUTE Gallery
September 15 – Press Preview
MAAT Project Room
September 23 and 24 – Talks and Performances
Central Tejo – Geradores Room
“We write only at the frontiers of our knowledge, at the border which separates our knowledge from our ignorance and transforms the one into the other.”
Gilles Deleuze, Preface of Difference and Repetition
“Repetition and Difference” is the FACTT´s theme of this year in Lisbon.
The word order inversion in the title is an appropriation. It became famous for being the PhD thesis of one of the most important philosophers of the 20th century (Deleuze). However, the most relevant thing about it is that it provides multiple possibilities for the creation of works of art, to reflect about new concepts and to explore to the fullest both Art and Science, as well as the methodologies of these areas of knowledge and perhaps even to review the dynamic between them.
There are many parallels between areas of knowledge that are apparently distinct. With that in mind one must establish a three-way relationship between Art, Science and Philosophy so that we can take a critical view both on resonances and similarities as well as on reviews and differences between the different techniques used by human beings to turn the unknown into known.
Through this Festival of Art and Science, the Arte Institute intends to clarify the importance and intersection of these two areas, in several different countries.
In doing so, the goal is to promote the interdisciplinary dialogue and reflection through debates and exhibitions, and to identify and analyze the various ways in which both areas are currently interconnected.
Furthermore, it aims to bring an educational component to science and art in Portugal by making it available to the general public.
The Arte Institute also intends to facilitate the cultural and knowledge exchange with Portugal.
The festival will travel from Lisbon to New York, Mexico and Berlin. The festival will take place in New York on September 30 and October 1, and it will take place in Mexico City, between October 6 and October 14. As regards Berlin, the dates are still to be confirmed for December.
Thursday, September 14, 6-9.30PM
Mute Gallery – Inauguration of the collective exhibition FACTT 2017
Friday, September 15, 6-7.30 PM
MAAT – Project Room
– Brief presentation of FACTT and its program
– Performance by António Caramelo
– Cocktail by the river
Saturday, September 23, 2.30-7.40 PM
Central Tejo – Geradores Room
– Adequação e Criação
2.30 – Catarina Pombo Nabais
2.50 – Xénia Flores Ribeiro
3.10 – Gail Hocking
3:30 – Debate
3:50 – Pedro Arrifano
4:10 – António Caramelo
4:40 – Fernando Wintermantel
5:00 – Debate
5:20 – Coffee Break
5:40 – Sarah Hermanutz – Performance with Nenad Popov
6:00 – Fernando Duarte
6:20 – Catarina Patrício
6:40 – Olga Pombo
7:00 – Debate
Sunday, September 24, 2.30-7.40 PM
Central Tejo – Geradores Room
– Norma e Mutação
2:30 – Paulo Reis Pina
2:50 – Aliete Martins e Daniela Martins
3:10 – Rudolfo Quintas
3:30 – Debate
3:50 – Marco António Pereira
4:10 – Dalila Honorato
4:40 – Paulo Bernardino Bastos
5:00 – Debate
5:20 – Coffee Break
5:40 – Maria Manuela Lopes (Performance)
6:00 – Maria Manuela Lopes
6:20 – Carlos Branco
6:40 – Debate
7:00 – Julian Stadon – Performance Swan Panda for FACTT with Jorge Ramirez
Tuesday, September 26
FACTT 2017 whorkshops in two schools in the municipality of Cascais with the artists Maria Manuela Lopes and Margarida Sardinha
Arte Institute
Cultivamos Cultura
Manuel Furtado dos Santos
Marta de Menezes
Pedro Arrifano
MAAT – Museum Art, Architecture and Technology
Pestana Hotel Group
Câmara Municipal de Cascais
Fundação Dom Luís
Delta Q