FACTT 20/21 – Improbable Times II

FACTT 20/21 – Improbable Times II

The Arte Institute and the RHI Initiative, in partnership with Cultivamos Cultura, have the pleasure to present the FACTT 20/21 – Improbable Times. Trans-disciplinary & Trans-national Festival of Art & Science is having its 2nd event on February 28, at 8.00 PM (GMT +1).

Watch online: 
– Arte Institute and RHI_Think Facebook pages
February 28, 2021 – 8.00 PM (GMT +1)

FACTT 20/21: Trans-disciplinary & Trans-national Festival of Art & Science is exhibited online during 2021 with different events to be announced taking place throughout the year across continents. FACTT is a project spearheaded and promoted by the Arte Institute in conception partnership with Cultivamos Cultura and Ectopia (Portugal), and, for its 20-21version, in curatorial collaboration with InArts Lab@Ionian University – Department of Audio and Visual Arts (Greece), Artscisalon@The Fields Institute and Sensorium@York University (Canada), School of Visual Arts (USA), UNAM, Arte+Ciencia and Bioscénica (Mexico), and Central Academy of Fine Arts (China).

For more info visit http://factt.arteinstitute.org/