Rua Miguel Bombarda 15, 2400-190 Leiria
The Dois a Dois concert in Leria is the fruitful outcome of a collaboration between the Câmara Municipal de Leiria, Arte Institute and RHI forming an integral part of the ‘XXVII Congresso Internacional de Antropologia Ibero-Americana: Etnografia, Cultura e Património’ program.
Dois a Dois is a show by the trio composed by Maria Clara Valle (cello), Diego Zangado (drums and percussion) and Luísa Lacerda (voice and guitar). The artists present a repertoire in which rhythms stand out and cadences representative of the great diversity of Brazilian popular music: modinhas, frevos, cocos, choros-canção, boi, among others. In their repertoire, the trio performs, in addition to their own compositions, works by different authors, highlighting a new crop of current composers, exploring the sonorities of the instruments, mixing popular and classical, sung and instrumental music, launching into an adventure of recreation and daring.