“Digital Revolution” at Storefront for Art + Architecture
Tiago Barros and Ana Cravinho’s “Digital Revolution” is being showcased at Storefront for Art and Architecture, from December 16 to 22.
The exhibition focuses on the theme of “Strategies for Public Occupation” – a seven day growing exhibition of ideas.
Storefront for Art and Architecture – 97 Kenmare St New York, NY 10012
About Digital Revolution
“In a World dominated by contagious individualism, where the digital media and social networking are considered the fifth power, where public demonstrations are unsafe and restricted: It is time to ACT!
Digital Revolution is a paradigm shift made possible by a virtual interface available for all who want to join a specific cause, regardless of their physical location. It’s a powerful tool capable of joining individuals as different as a young boy from India to an old lady from Alaska. The entire World population together for a cause and through the usage of a simple internet connection.
The data would be collected by the interface and transmitted to a physical urban context. Each individual would be placed in a particular plaza through a 3D hologram that would be projected from the surrounding urban infrastructure. This system would also transmit sound and time slots for podium speeches, mimicking a typical rally.
Protesters on the other hand, would be comfortably and safely at home monitoring live statistics, news and achievements. Simultaneously they could be active by writing manifestos, blogs, sending emails, and sharing their ideals with the World. In the plaza, the cloned individual would have a presence. The otherwise limited physical space, would now become unlimited, reaching statistics beyond our imagination.
The media and social networking functioning together to achieve immediate and plausible results in an eco-friendly and accessible way.
1. A single platform for a single cause!
2. The unification of the entire population!
3. A clear and useful Digital Revolution for all!”
(By Tiago Barros)