Cais das Colunas – April 25

Cais das Colunas – April 25

Arte Institute presented “Cais das Colunas” by Nuno Vasa at FIL.

Festival IN  >  April 25

Talk with the artist Teresa Milheiro

Invited by Ocupart, the artist Teresa Milheiro exhibits the film about her work “Passagem para um outro lado”. This work arises from the dramaturgic universe of Gil Vicente and sets up a bridge between author’s jewelry, theater, and performance. The artist will be present to talk about her work.

Multi-Faces by the artist Leonor Brilha

The artist Leonor Brilha interacts with the audience showcasing her work Multi-faces – portrait photography.


Performance “As cordas que nos prendem à vida”

Arte Institute, in a partnership with Edge Arts, showcases the performance “The strings that bind us to life”. “Duo Somniatis” – flutist Sofia Silva and pianist Margarida Prates, join the fine artists Maria Passô and Pedro Zamith, in an improvised creation. An interactive experience, in real time, between music and plastic arts. 

Thanks to the Artists, Partners and Sponsors that made this event possible.