As Cidades e as Trocas
Arte Institute suggests the film “As Cidades e as Trocas”, exhibiting in Art of the Real at Film Society of Lincoln Center.
April 14, 2015 – 8.30 PM
Film Society of Lincoln Center, NYC
As cidades e as trocas
A film by Luísa Homem e Pedro Pinho
In 2008, the growing tourism industry of Cape Verde was frozen. The building of many hotels and resorts by foreigner companies had to be stopped due to a short- age of sand. The sand industry, primary resource for the production of concrete, had reached a dramatic level, endangering the beaches. This event caused a huge euphoria among the businessmen of Mauritania. A great number of trucks started to flow to the Nouakchott port, where many boats sail out to feed the tourist con- structions in Cape Verde. Trading Cities starts in Lisbon on a cargo ship. We will un- dertake an Atlantic route that re-enacts these daily travels, in order to highlight the physical and social transformations in the landscape that these exchanges produce.
Luísa Homem
Studied Science of Comunication, Cinema (FCSH-UNL, Paris 8, Atelier Varan). She has been working in films since 2000 as a director and editor. She directed 4 films for Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, PINTURA S/ TIÌTULO, SHORT STORY, PERCURSOS VISUAIS and RETRATOS. She directed UM DIA NO MUSEU, a TV series about Art Museums in Portugal. Recently she co-directed 2 documentaries AS CIDADES E AS TROCAS (with Pedro Pinho) and SÃO TOMEÌ : NO TRILHO DOS NATURALISTAS (with Tiago Hespanha). As an editor she worked with sev- eral portuguese directors. She’s partner of TERRATREME Filmes. She is co- di- rector and teacher of the Cinema/ Mouvment Image corse at Ar.Co in Lisbon.
Pedro Pinho
Pedro Pinho graduated in Film Studies in the School of Theatre and Cin- ema in Amadora, Lisbon and ENS – Louis LumieÌ€re in Paris. In 2005 and 2006 he attended the courses of Directing and Screenwriting of the Lon- don Film School at the Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian in Lisbon. In 2008 he co-directed with Frederico Lobo the Documentary BAB SEBTA (2008) which won the prize Marseille Esperance in FID Mar- seille, and the competitions in DOCLISBOA and FORUM DOC and BH. In 2009 he founded with other fellow directors and producers the production company TERRATREME FILMES. Since then he directed his first feature film A END OF THE WORLD (2013) (World premiere at the 64o Berlinale) and co-directed with LuiÌsa Homem the documentary AS CI- DADES E AS TROCAS (2014) (World premiere at the 25o FID MARSEILLE).
Past Exhibitions
Festival Fid Marseille
Festival Dei Popoli