Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Journalism | Conference

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Journalism | Conference

The Arte Institute suggests the online conference, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Journalism.

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May 11 & 12, 2021

The existence of a free press/news media, independent from the various powers, namely political and economic, as well as being plural, economically sustainable, guided by criteria of ethics, accuracy, impartiality and truth is a sine qua non condition to democracy, respect for human rights, good governance and open societies.

In a historical context in which disinformation has become prominent, the importance of the role of the press/news media is increasingly evident. However, market and technological developments in recent decades and the COVID-19 pandemic have placed it at risk of survival.

The fast-paced development of so-called Artificial Intelligence (AI), which already allows the automated production of certain information pieces, significantly exacerbates these circumstances. At the same time, the increased speed and connectivity capacity, with the expected 5G, and the multiplication of platforms are contributing to the transformation of the news media sector. The purpose of this High-Level Conference is to raise awareness of the adoption and impact of AI-based technologies on news production, distribution and consumption, and to promote reflection on the journalism of the future in the digital age.

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