Animated Short Film Screening in Torres Vedras

Animated Short Film Screening in Torres Vedras

The Arte Institute and RHI Initiative have the pleasure to present an Animated Short Film Screening in Torres Vedras, on November 27 at 3.00 PM. 
CAC – Centro de Artes e Criatividade
Rua Leonel Trindade, 2560-612 Torres Vedras
November 27, 2021 – 3.00 PM 

The movies are part of the official selection of the NYPSFF editions.

– Once Upon a Thread by Patricia Figueiredo (2017)
– Any Other Man by Luís Soares (2014)
– M by Joana Bartolomeu (2013)
– Depressure by David Mourato (2012)

Partners ||
| Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras 
| CAC – Centro de Artes e Criatividade