Animated Short Film Screening for Cairo

Animated Short Film Screening for Cairo

The Arte Institute and RHI Initiative have the pleasure to present an Animated Short Film Screening for Cairo, on June 24 at 9.00 PM (Egyptian Standard Time GMT +2). 
Watch online: 
– RHI Stage Platform – – RHI Think App
June 24, 2021 – 9.00 PM (Egyptian Standard Time GMT +2)
The movies are a part of the official selection of the NYPSFF editions.

– Pip by Bruno Simões (2019)
– Bruma by Daniela Santos, Gabriel Peixoto, Mónica Correia e Sofia Cachim (2019)
– Miguel Araújo – AXL Rose by Bruno Caetano (2019)
– The Hat by Alexandra Alves (2018)
– Once upon a thread by Patricia Figueiredo (2017) 

Download the RHI Think App, available at playstore and applestoreto value the short fims by paying what you can as a ticket.

Partners ||
| Embassy of Portugal in Egypt
| Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua