Moçoilas Portuguese Folk Music from Algarve | Boston
The Arte Institute and RHI Initiative are pleased to present Moçoilas concert for Boston, on June 10 at 6.00 PM (EST), in celebration of Day of Portugal, Camões, and the Portuguese Communities. Due to restrictions worldwide the show is going to be exhibited online, on the RHI Stage platform
Watch online:
– RHI Stage Platform –
– RHI Think App
June 10, 2021 – 6.00 PM (EST)
About Moçoilas:
Inês Rosa, Margarida Guerreiro and Teresa Silva (the third line-up in a generation of women / moçoilas), the Moçoilas group was born out of a desire to revive and reclaim the songs of southern Portugal – more precisely the region of the Algarve. Forgotten or hidden in time, in the depths of a mountain range full of sounds, smells, colors and unique knowledge, these songs are part of and represent a large part of our cultural heritage. They reflect the soul and traditions of the Serra do Caldeirão, where singing has always been a representation of national identity.
Download the RHI Think App, available at playstore and applestore, to value the artists work by paying what you can as a ticket for these free shows.
Partners ||
| Portuguese Consulate in Boston
| Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua
| Câmara Municipal de Loulé