Portuguese Speaking Countries Short Film Festival – III Edition in Montreal

Portuguese Speaking Countries Short Film Festival – III Edition in Montreal

The Arte Institute and RHI Initiative have the pleasure to present the Portuguese Speaking Countries Short Film Festival – III Edition in Montreal, Canada, on July 9 at 6.30 PM. 

Casa dos Açores do Québec
229 Rue Fleury Ouest, Montreal, Québec H3L 1T8
July 9, 2021 – 6.30 PM 

The Festival aims to promote the cinema from the Portuguese Speaking Countries. Don’t miss this chance to learn more about a great selection of movies by directors from the Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP).

Official Selection:
– Sofia by Filipe Ruffato e Gonçalo Viana
– Estereoscopia by Sandrine Cordeiro
– Arriaga by Welket Bungué
– Alambamento by Mário Bastos
– Independensia by Xisto Silva, Ricardo Gritto, Tony Amaral

For more information about the movies, please visit: http://cplp.arteinstitute.org/

Partners ||
| Consulado Geral de Portugal em Montreal
| Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua