Dance Show: ‘Encontros’ | Paris

Dance Show: ‘Encontros’ | Paris

The Arte Institute and the RHI Initiative, in partnership with Costeira – Engenharia and Ent’Artes – Escola de Dança, have the pleasure to present the dance show ‘Encontros’, on February 22 at 7.00 PM (GMT +1), in a presentation for Paris! Due to restrictions worldwide, the performance will be exhibited online on RHI Stage

Watch online: 
– RHI Stage Platform – 
– RHI Think App 
February 22, 2021 – 7.00 PM (GMT +1)

A show created for Casa de Portugal that, on the centenary of the birth of Amália Rodrigues, finds inspiration not only on her musical work but also in the work of several portuguese authors.

Part of the classic and contemporary repertoire awarded nationally and internationally will also get on stage.

‘Encontros’ will take place within the scope of the partnership established in 2020 with the Revolution Hope Imagination (RHI) initiative, as representatives of Costeira – Engenharia.

Download the RHI Think App, available at playstore and applestoreto value the artists work by paying what you can as a ticket for these free shows.

Support || 
| Costeira – Engenharia
| Ent’Artes – Escola de Dança
| Caixa Geral de Depósitos
| Maison du Portugal