David Bowie night | New York
The Arte Institute suggests a David Bowie night with the Portuguese singer Jorge Vadio and his special guest Gerry Leonard from the David Bowie Band at Cutting Room in New York.
Cutting Room
44 E. 32nd St., New York
October 14, 2019 – 9.30 PM
Songs from the Man Sold The World is a show that revisits David Bowie’s entire career from his first 1967 London Boy album through the inevitable Space Oddity and Ziggy Stardust to the Music Where Are We Now? From the CD The Next Day to Black Star: the ultimate Bowie’s masterpiece. Accompanied by some very none guest, Jorge Vadio takes us on a trip to the great compositions of the Chameleon. With the projection of images, this multimedia show of the acoustic format takes us to relive times and moments of David Bowie’s career. Jorge Vadio, recorded with the legendary pianist Mike Garson (David Bowie’s pianist), the Portuguese version of David Bowie’s song “Life On Mars” and “Homem Chuva” which was recorded with the Nigerian artist, percussionist, and singer Kofo the Wonderman on the music “Então Vamos para África”. Jorge Vadio release this year a new single with Ava Cherry “Fica Comigo esta noite “, David Bowie backing vocals in the era of Young Americans album with Luther Vandross.
Get your tickets here.