”On Exile” film screening

”On Exile” film screening

The Arte Institute suggests the movie screening ”ON EXILE” by José Carlos Teixeira, as part of the program of UnionDocs – Center for Documentary Art on May 23.

322 Union Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11211 United States
May 23, 2019 – 7.30 PM

”ON EXILE, elsewhere within here”
By José Carlos Teixeira
70 min., 2017

At the intersection of art and politics, “On Exile” is a documentary that reflects on the refugee experience, expanding on issues of migration, displacement, and otherness.  It follows the moving and extraordinary stories of 14 refugees from Middle Eastern and African Muslim communities (Syria, Iraq, Sudan and Somalia) resettled in Cleveland, developing intimate psychological portraits, and embedding them in a political and anthropological context. Texeira asks, what are their stories and perspectives as immigrants in the US? How are the new policies impacting them?

Concerned with the ethics of ethnographic encounter, the film asks: how to represent without patronizing or speaking on other’s behalf? As opposed to a dominant discourse which denies refugees full agency, this film restores their voices.

“On Exile” reframes assumptions of home and belonging, delves into the challenges of language and translation, and reflects on the complex adjustment to another culture by those who, forcibly displaced, seek safety and a new beginning.
Jose Carlos Texeira will be in attendance for a conversation with writer scholar Steven Madoff following the program.

More info here.