Workshop “Cidade Sonhada 2016 – Sí£o Paulo / Lisboa”
Arte Institute presents the workshop “Cidade Sonhada 2016 – São Paulo / Lisboa” with the animation director Pedro Serrazina in Sao Paulo about animation.
The workshop will take place at MIS – Museu da Imagem e do Som from September 1 to September 3 from 10 AM to 6 PM.
This workshop is a partnership between Arte Institute and Portuguese Consulate in Sao Paulo, 27th Sao Paulo International Film Festival, Museu do Som e da Imagem and Unibes Cultural.
Museu da Imagem e do Som
Àv. Europa, 158 – Jardim Europa, São Paulo
Pedro Serrazina Biography
Pedro Serrazina (1968) is an animation director and lecturer. He is currently undertaking a practice-based PhD at Univ. Lusofona de Lisboa on “The Creation and Use of Animated Space in Animation”.
As a practitioner he is currently finishing a site-specific sand animation installation for the Museum of Jewish Culture in the North of Portugal (due to open in September 2015), and has a short animation film, “The Memory House”, in pre-production.
Recently Pedro collaborated with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Tunis, Tunisia (2013). He worked closely with a group of 12 Tunisian young artists supervising the production of a 3 minutes animation film, “Asfour Tout Court”, based on the youngsters “perception of democracy”. The project focused on the development of technical skills within civil organisations involved in the political transition process of the country.
Originally Pedro studied architecture, (an experience that would become influential in both his practical and academic work) but left the course to fully dedicate himself to animation. His 1st film, “Tale about the Cat and the Moon” (1995) was in competition at Cannes (1996), won multiple international awards, and is now included in the Portuguese National Education Film Program. After that he moved to London to undertake an MA in Animation Studies, at the Royal College of Art.
He combines his work as a director (the latest film is the award winning “Eyes of the Lighthouse”, 2010) with an academic career in Portugal and the UK: Between 2007-09 Pedro was course leader for the BA Animation Arts course at the Univ. for the Creative Arts, Maidstone, where he also curated AniMaidstone’2009, an international one-day conference dedicated to issues of local identity in animated film and the visual arts.
In 2014 Pedro presented an article at the Society for Animation Studies’ (SAS) conference (“The Production and Use of Animated Space”) and published another in the Animation Practice, Process and Production journal (“Transcending the surface: The animated line between Benjamin, Eisenstein and early animation”). In the coming month of July he will again be presenting a paper at this year’s SAS conference.
During August (2015) he will be guest artist at Crossing Boundaries, the biennial 2-week intensive project exploring “animation installation and moving image interdisciplinary practice”, held at the Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, USA.
Currently a lecturer in Animation at Univ. Lusofona de Lisboa, Pedro regularly takes part in festival juries and exhibitions. He has also published a book of short stories and illustrations, ”Little stories of no importance” (2005).
This workshop is a partnership between the Arte Institute and Portuguese Consulate in Sao Paulo, 27th Sao Paulo International Film Festival, Museu da Imagem e do Som and Unibes Cultural.