ZAFFAH is an audiovisual project created as a result of meeting two art personalities: Simão Valinho – electronic and unusual musical instruments Lígia Lebreiro – multimedia /digital art / video mapping.
The effect of this meeting is the fascinating impact of two artistic impressions in a way of multidimensional audiovisual live performance ZAFFAF is a multimedia Electronic project, using both electronic instruments as recycled and transformed instruments combined with video and video mapping projections.
Inspired by the vision of an alien entity that visits Earth, ZAFFAH is the character created by Simão Valinho to perform this journey. The music of Simão Valinho and the visuals of Lígia Lebreiro helps the public to share Zaffah’s feelings, visions and impressions through his journey to our planet.
The final show is the result of an artistic residence (2019) of both artists in Imaginarius Centro de Criação – Arte e Espaço Público (ICC). It can be presented either in theater or as an outdoor / site-specific show.
Find out more about Simão Valinho and Lígia Lebreiro.
Download the RHI Think application, available at playstore and applestore, to watch the show and to value the artists’ work by paying what you can as a ticket for these free shows. The shows are free but the work of the artists shouldn’t be. Value it!
The show will also be transmited here on our platform, and on Arte Institute and RHI Think facebook pages.
Follow this project on social media to get to know more about it |
Facebook: @Zaffah
Partners RHI Stage |