RHI Stage – Concert by Claustro #7
14 June 2020, 9:00pm
Arte Institute and RHI Initiative present the concert “Claustro #7” at RHI Stage.
When Alexéi Tolpygo, violinist of the Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra and Carlos Maria Trindade (keyboardist and one of the authors of the famous Madredeus group) met about three years ago, they soon realized that they had a common musical background and aesthetics. In fact, the two had, at very different lengths, a classical musical education and both are assumed to be “dissidents” of that genre, by creating their own music using synthesizers as a multi-timbre palette and a tool for composing and elaborating the songs and musical arrangements.
They then invited a young soprano, Sara Afonso (voice and keys), also with a classical background and at the same time open to different musical experiences, to join the group.
The concept of this project is based on a very eclectic repertoire selection, ranging from the original songs composed about the troubadour poems (Cantigas de Amigo, authored by D. Diniz and others) to the interpretation of baroque pieces for “fake harpsichord” and violin, passing by environments where Alexéi’s electric violin and Carlos Maria’s synthesizers explore a new sound dimension, with pieces written expressly for this “ensemble”. The popular and erudite music thus intersect in an authentic new Trovadorism, some centuries after the parties, in the Palaces and Terreiros, were animated by Troubadours and Jograls, while the goats roasted in the oven and the wine flowed down their throats.
The big difference is that today electricity helps the production and amplification of musical art. Hence, the need to adopt instruments such as the electric violin, music software and synthesizers in the creation of a contemporary sound.
It is an open group, also in its participants. Although the band are the 3 musicians mentioned above, the project has other collaborations on its horizon.
Find out more about Carlos Maria trindade, Sara Afonso and Alexéi Tolpygo.
Download the RHI Think application, available at playstore and applestore, to watch the show and to value the artists’ work by paying what you can as a ticket for these free shows. The shows are free but the work of the artists shouldn’t be. Value it!
The show will also be transmited here on our platform, and on Arte Institute and RHI Think facebook pages.
Follow Claustro#7 to get to know more about the group´s work |
Facebook: @Claustro#7
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