RHI Stage – A Casa ao Lado

RHI Stage – A Casa ao Lado

20 May 2020, 10PM

Arte Institute and RHI Initiative present “A Casa Ao Lado” at RHI Stage

The Art Center A Casa ao Lado has the mission of Social and Cultural Dynamization with and for the Community through Artistic Education, Social Inclusion through Art and Urban Interventions. Since its beginning in 2005, all projects are based on graphics, stories, legends and / or personalities in the places to intervene, in order to create an identity brand, of social and territorial cohesion.

Each one can make a difference, and the set makes the whole, are structural rules of A Casa ao Lado. The interventions, always carried out and idealized together with the Community, make the participants, knowled about the whole work process, create a sense of belonging for the work done, due to its personal graphic mark.

Since 2018, as a UNESCO Club for Intervention and Artistic Creation, Casa ao Lado has felt a higher obligation to the Community, in passing on knowledge of the historical evolution of Graphics over time. Therefore, and in order for there to be a greater understanding of the contemporary work done on the murals, in 2019, the Interpretative Center for Graphism, Labirinto das Artes, appears.

The Labyrinth of Arts (Labirinto das Artes) was designed to reinforce the content covered in school curricula, introducing concepts that are usually absent from this sphere, allowing to create lasting and stimulating bridges between school and non-school learning, in a creative and appealing way.
Ten graphics express ten eras, in ten fantastic spaces, which from Rock Art to 21st Century Art, become a learning space, where artistic movements, artists, aesthetics and styles from the most diverse horizons are presented in a creative path .

Online visits, where in real time, questions and answers are directed by a specialized trainer, and where magic appears on a monitor in front of classes, which these days cannot be in person, makes the Labyrinth of Arts a pedagogical form but also playful, to present to Teachers, students and general public, different languages and different modes of expression in a single space, thus feeding imagination and creativity, making learning more transdisciplinary and open.

Download the RHI Think application, available at playstore and applestore, to watch the show and to value the artists’ work by paying what you can as a ticket for these free shows. The shows are free but the work of the artists shouldn’t be. Value it!

The show will also be transmited here on our platform, and on Arte Institute and RHI Think facebook pages.

Follow A Casa ao Lado on social media to get to know more about their work 
Facebook: @

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