Movie Sessions: Animated Short film selection from the NPYSFF in Mozambique

Movie Sessions: Animated Short film selection from the NPYSFF in Mozambique

The Arte Institute is pleased to present an animated short film session for the 6th and 7th grade students of the Matacuense Primary School, at the Camões- Portuguese Cultural Center in Beira, on March 16, at 8.30 am.

Camões- Portuguese Cultural Center in Beira
R. António Enes, 148/149 – r/c
March 16, 8.30 am 

The event is a partnership between the Camões – Institute for Cooperation and Language in Beira, Camões – Institute for Cooperation and Language in Maputo and the Pedagogical University in Beira – Portuguese Course (Department of the Language Science, Comunication and Art).


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Camões Institute
Pedagogical University in Beira – Portuguese Course
Matacuense Primary School