Movie ‘Grande noite de fado e afins’ | Berlin

Movie ‘Grande noite de fado e afins’ | Berlin

The Arte Institute and the RHI Initiative have the pleasure to present the screening of the movie Grande noite de fado e afins for Berlin, on April 8,9 & 10 at 8.00 PM (GMT +1). Due to restrictions worldwide, the movie is going to be screened online on the RHI Stage platform.

Watch online: 
– RHI Stage Platform
– RHI Think App
April 8,9 
& 10, 2021 – 8.00 PM (GMT +1)

Two legends from Fado’s underworld, arrive in Berlin for the Gala that will be the crowning achievement of their careers. The live event is canceled due to new coronavirus restrictions. The Show will be broadcasted on the internet. What should have been the great apotheosis of a career turns into a small dinner. A night full of stories, poetry, sarcasm, music and so on. In a cold December night in Berlin.

A look into the most profound and genuine form of fado: Fado “vadio”. Through the eyes of two fado singers. An unrepeatable conversation with two of the most unknow iconic figures of Portuguese culture. The epic and cinematic gratification was lost but fado happened.

Directed by Ana Ribeiro and António Duarte
With José Miguel Vitorino, Márcia Cardoso, Maria Vasconcelos and Ana Ribeiro
Produced by Divas Iludidas and Berlinda

Download the RHI Think App, available at playstore and applestoreto value the movie by paying what you can as a ticket.