Moby-Dick by Teatromosca
Arte Institute is pleased to present “Moby-Dick” by Teatromosca.
Based on Herman Melville’s novel
Adapted by Tiago PatriÌcio
Artistic direction by Pedro Alves
Production teatromosca
October 3rd | 8 PM
Access Theater | 380 Broadway, NYC
Tickets 10$
Buy here!
October 8th | 7 PM
New Bedford Whaling Museum | 18 Johnny Cake Hill
Free Entrance
A narrative of adventures for some and a metaphysical epic for others, Melville’s ‘Moby-Dick’ may be summarized as the story of a whaling trip, a study on obsession and revenge and how these dominant human traits become the bane of a man. A fragmented narrative, in a way, disorderly, dynamic, assuming different literary modes: satire, drama, essay, encyclopedia, chronicle, lyrical … In the first phase of the text, we follow the narrator Ishmael on the trip’s preparations. What we can consider the second part, on board of the Pequod, when Ishmael abandons the central role of the narrative and the focus is shifted to Ahab and his pursuit of the white whale. In a third moment, Ahab seems to measure forces with the Pequod’s second officer, the rational and prudent Starbuck. However, in the ultimate progress of the novel, the final confrontation with the white whale seems inevitable, and it ends chaotically, with the death of Captain Ahab and the whole crew, except for Ishmael who he is recovered as the novel’s narrator.
Watch the interview with Pedro Alves (Artistic Director of Teatromosca) and Pedro Carneiro (Consul of Portugal in New Bedford).
Sponsored by
Arte Institute
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Consulado de Portugal em New Bedford
Instituto Camões
American Embassy in Lisbon
American Corner Portugal
Faculdadede Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Câmara Municipal de Sintra
Junta de Freguesia de Agualva e Mira Sintra