FUSO, NY at Summer Nights Series

FUSO, NY at Summer Nights Series

Arte institute is pleased to present video art Festival “Fuso, NY” at Summer Nights Series at Union Square Park (North Pavilion), August 29, 8 pm. Free entrance.
Don´t miss it!
_ JOÃO ONOFRE | Untitled (vulture in the studio), 2002, 9’36”
_ JOSÉ MAÇÃS DE CARVALHO | Video killed the painting stars #8 (Newton), 2007, 5’58”
_ JOÃO TABARRA | Tornado, 2007, 1’00’’
_ JOÃO TABARRA | Atelier, 2007, 4’35’’
_ BRUNO RAMOS | Factory, 2011, 10’17’’
_ NUNO LACERDA | Percurso (6), 2011, 5’32’’
_ RUI CALÇADA BASTOS  | All That Glitters, 2010, 2’12’’
_ HELENA ALMEIDA | Untitled, 2010, 18’08’’

The musician Sergio Krakowski will also perform at Summer Nights Series, August 29.

Arte Institute is please to invite DuplaCena and its Festival: FUSO to participate at Summer Nights Series.
Summer Nights Series 2013 was made possible in part with public funds from the Fund for Creative Communities, supported by New York State Council on the Arts and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

Summer Nights Series 2013 was made possible in part with public funds from the Manhattan Community Arts Fund, supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.
Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua supports Arte Institute´s Annual Program.