FACTT – Berlin
The Arte Institute, in partnership with Cultivamos Cultura, has the pleasure to announce FACTT – Festival of Art & Science Trans-disciplinary and Trans-national in Berlin. The Festival took place in Lisbon, New York, Mexico and will continue in Berlin.
Exhibition | November 29, 7.30 PM
7 Mares
Heimstr. 3
Group Show FACTT 2017: Opening
Ken Rinaldo
Pedro Miguel Cruz
Marta de Menezes
Joana Ricou
Sarah Hermanutz
Talk | November 30, 6 PM
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Romanistik
Humboldt Universität
Dorotheenstr. 65
4 Floor, Room 4.34
Presentations by:
Marta de Menezes
Dalila Honorato
Sarah Hermanutz
Isabel Bur-Raty
Regine Rapp
Christian de Lutz
General Theme for FACTT 2017
Repetition and difference
We write only at the frontiers of our knowledge, at the border which separates our knowledge from our ignorance and transforms the one into the other.
Deleuze, Preface of Difference and Repetition
“Repetition and Difference” is the FACTT´s theme of this year and comes from a variation of Deleuze’s famous title. The trans-disciplinary focus of this festival asked for a theme which allowed any artist, scientist or thinker, regardless of their area of expertise, to embrace the common ground to all these fields which is rarely addressed. This way one can analyze the importance of “trial and error”, serendipity, repeatability, originality, convergence/divergence, creativity, nature/nurture, subjective/objective and many other concepts or ideas connected to it.
Watch the video of FACTT Lisbon
Watch the video of FACTT New York
Watch the video of FACTT Mexico
Support |
Instituto Camões
Universität Humboldt von Berlin
Caixa Geral de Depositos
Pestana Hotel Group
7 Mares